
Deans in W&M's Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences

Aday, Derek
Professor, Dean & Director
Email: vimsdean@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7103
Office: Watermen's Hall 230
Unit: Dean & Director's Office

Mark Brush

Brush, Mark J.
Email: brush@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7402
Interests: Coastal systems ecology; Ecosystem modeling
Office: Andrews Hall 334F
Section: Ecosystem Health
Address: P.O. Box 1346 Gloucester Pt., VA 23062-1346, USA

Thumbnail M. Fabrizio

Fabrizio, Mary C.
Email: mfabrizio@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7308
Office: Nunnally Hall 135
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: Fish population dynamics, habitat, fish movement, fish ecology; fishery-independent surveys

Thumbnail image C. Friedrichs

Friedrichs, Carl T.
Glucksman Professor; Associate Director, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia
Email: carl.friedrichs@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7303
Office: Wilson House 206
Interests: Coastal and estuarine processes
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Curriculum Vitae: CV
Google Scholar: Profile

Marjy Friedrichs

Friedrichs, Marjorie A.M.
2024 University Professor for Research Excellence
Email: marjy@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7695
Interests: Using mathematical models to study effects of climate change and other human impacts on coastal & estuarine systems.
Office: Andrews Hall 330
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Lab Website: BioCOM

Thumbnail image D. Gong

Gong, Donglai
Associate Professor
Email: gong@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7529
Office: Andrews Hall 228
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Lab: Andrews Hall 220/219
Interests: Coastal and Polar Oceanography

Robert C. Hale

Hale, Robert C.
Email: hale@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7228
Interests: Environmental chemistry, biosolids, fate and availability of man-made compounds in aquatic environments.
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S310
Section: Ecosystem Health
Website: Hale Lab Group

Amber Hardison

Hardison, Amber
Associate Professor
Email: akhardison@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7779
Office: CBH N311
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Carbon and nitrogen cycling, Organic geochemistry

Courtney Harris

Harris, Courtney K.
Professor; Chair, Coastal & Ocean Processes
Email: ckharris@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7194
Interests: 3-D modeling to improve understanding of sediment transport in continental shelves and estuarine environments.
Office: Andrews Hall 227
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Website: Sediment Transport Modeling

Hartley, Troy W.
Professor; Director, Virginia Sea Grant Program
Email: thartley@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7248
Interests: Integrated, adaptive management, regional governance, network analysis, collaborative research, and team science.
Office: Davis Hall 244I
Section: Natural Resources

Eric J. Hilton

Hilton, Eric J.
Professor; Chair, Natural Resources
Email: ehilton@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7178
Interests: Comparative anatomy, systematics, and evolution of ray-finned fishes.
Office: Nunnally Hall 123/125
Section: Natural Resources

Kirwan, Matt
Email: kirwan@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7054
Interests: Coastal landscape evolution, geomorphology, ecology
Office: Andrews Hall 229
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Steven A. Kuehl

Kuehl, Steven A.
Email: kuehl@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7118
Interests: Continental margins, river deltas, radioisotope geochronology, Anthropocene, paleoseismicity, paleoclimate
Office: Andrews Hall 232
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Loftis, Derek
Assistant Professor
Email: jdloftis@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7876
Office: Davis Hall 222
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Interests: Hydrodynamic Model Validation via Sensors & Citizen Science

Dr. Mark Luckenbach

Luckenbach, Mark W.
Associate Dean of Research and Advisory Services; Professor
Email: luck@vims.edu
Phone: 804-684-7108
Office: Watermen's Hall 248
Unit: Office of Research and Advisory Services
Interests: Benthic ecology, reef restoration, shellfish aquaculture-ecological interactions

Thumbnail image P. Mazzini

Mazzini, Piero
Assistant Professor
Email: pmazzini@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7882
Interests: Coastal physical oceanography
Office: Andrews Hall 236
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Adriane Michaelis

Michaelis, Adriane
Assistant Professor
Email: amichaelis@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7392
Office: Andrews Hall 440
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: human dimensions, aquaculture and fisheries, social-ecological systems

Nicole Millette

Millette, Nicole
Assistant Professor
Email: nmillette@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7985
Office: Andrews Hall 329
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Phytoplankton Ecology, Mixotrophy, Predator-Prey Interactions, Water Quality

Mitchell, Molly
Assistant Professor
Email: molly@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7931
Office: Davis Hall 214
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Research Interests: Sea level rise, coastal ecology, coastal adaptation

Sid Mitra

Mitra, Siddhartha
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Email: mitras@vims.edu
Phone: (804)684-7105
Office: Watermen's Hall 246
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, black carbon in the environment, global carbon cycle, biogeochemical cycling, environment chemistry

Reay, William G.
Professor; Director, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia
Email: wreay@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7119
Office: Wilson House 103
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Program: Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia
Interests: Watershed hydrology; ground water/surface water interactions.


Rudders, David
Assistant Professor; Associate Director, Marine Advisory Program
Email: rudders@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7531
Office: Davis Hall 253
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Marine Advisory Program


Scheld, Andrew
Associate Professor
Email: scheld@vims.edu
Office: Andrews Hall 442
Phone: (804) 684-7160
Section: Natural Resources
Interests: Fisheries economics and policy


Seeley, Meredith Evans
Assistant Professor
Email: meredith.seeley@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7239
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 324
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Marine Pollution; Organic Contaminants; Plastics and Microplastics; Environmental Chemistry and Biogeochemistry

Jian Shen

Shen, Jian
Email: shen@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7359
Office: Andrews Hall 231
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

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Small, Jessica Moss
Assistant Professor; Director, Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center
Email: jamoss@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7955
Office: Andrews Hall 408
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center

Thumbnail image of R. Snyder

Snyder, Richard A.
Professor; Director, Eastern Shore Laboratory
Email: rsnyder@vims.edu
Phone: (757) 787-5834
Office: 40 Atlantic Avenue, Wachapreague
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Eastern Shore Laboratory

Song, Bongkeun
Professor of Marine Science; Chair, Ecosystem Health
Email: songb@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7411
Office: Andrews Hall 328
Section: Ecosystem Health
Interests: Microbiome ecology and biogeochemistry
Fax: (804) 684-7399

Bill Walton

Walton, Bill
Acuff Professor of Marine Science and Shellfish Aquaculture Program Coordinator
Email: walton@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7238
Office: Acuff Center for Aquaculture 131
Section: Natural Resources

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Wang, Harry V.
Email: wang@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7215
Office: Andrews Hall 239
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: 3-D numerical modeling, hydrodynamics of estuaries; physical oceanography.


Wargo, Andrew
Associate Professor
Email: arwargo@vims.edu
Phone: (804) 684-7311
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 223
Section: Ecosystem Health
Research Interests: Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases