Facilities & Services
Cutting-edge facilities for cutting-edge science
As one of the largest marine-science centers in the U.S., William & Mary's Batten School & VIMS maintains a comprehensive suite of research and educational facilities, state-of-the-art analytical instruments and field equipment and a fleet of both large and small research vessels. An institute-wide fiber-optic network connects to the National Lambda Rail via a Gigabit Ethernet link to William & Mary.
Major Campus Buildings
Acuff Center for AquacultureCompleted in 2022, the Acuff Center for Aquaculture is a 22,000-square-foot shellfish hatchery facility that supports collaborative research, education and advisory teams within the Shellfish Aquaculture Program at the Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences & VIMS. The building has an expansive open floorplan allowing flexibility to meet the changing research and husbandry needs of many users, including the Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center (ABC), collaborators in the Shellfish Aquaculture Science Initiative (SALT-SI) and a variety of other researchers. The facility honors the exceptional leadership and generosity of A. Marshall Acuff, Jr. ’62, L.H.D. ’07, P ’93 on behalf of the Batten School & VIMS, and is named for the Acuff family. |
Andrews HallCompleted in 2009, this 71,000-square-foot building features 39 laboratories, 25 faculty offices and space for nearly 100 students, technicians and visiting scientists. The 4-story structure houses the Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center, the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation program, the Dominion Conference room and a distance-learning classroom. It is named after the late Senator Hunter B. Andrews and his wife Cynthia, long-time supporters of the Batten School & VIMS. |
Chesapeake Bay HallCompleted in 1997, this 64,000-square-foot, 4-story facility houses programs in ecology, ecotoxicology, fishery genetics, immunology and shellfish pathology. It is a modular structure, with movable walls to provide the flexibility needed to accommodate changing research needs. The atrium holds a collection of historic maps of the Chesapeake Bay, many donated by longtime friend and supporter Alan Voorhees. |
Davis HallCompleted in 2018, this 2-story, 32,000-square-foot building provides research, office, and technology space for Marine Advisory Services, the Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM), Virginia Sea Grant, News & Media Services and Information Technology and Network Services. The building is named after VIMS’ founder, W&M Professor Donald W. Davis. |
Field Support CenterCompleted in 2010, this 10,000-square-foot, 3-story facility provides space for a broad range of technical services and vessel maintenance. The technicians, machinists, welders, fabricators and mechanics on staff can design, fabricate and repair complex electronic and mechanical instruments and tools. |
York River HallOpened in 1950 to house VIMS’ precursor—the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory—this 2-story, 6,400-square-foot facility now houses several faculty offices. The building was originally named after Virginian Matthew Fontaine Maury, the “Father of Modern Oceanography.” It is the oldest purpose-built facility on the Batten School & VIMS campus. |
Nunnally HallCompleted in 1991, this 17,000 square-foot building provides lab and office space for Batten School & VIMS researchers and students and also houses the Nunnally Ichthyology Collection. The building name recognizes the generous financial support of the Moses D. Nunnally, Jr. Charitable Trust. |
Seawater Research LabOur 43,000 square foot Seawater Research Laboratory (SRL), the largest in the nation, provides 800 gallons per minute of treated seawater to support state-mandated research on fish and shellfish. It includes a multi-purpose space with numerous holding tanks and a high bay with a ceiling-mounted crane for handling large oceanographic instruments. A disease-challenge facility, toxics room and Biological Safety laboratories allow the study of aquatic pathogens and waterborne pollutants, including their effects on animal and human health. Water is supplied from a storm-resistant concrete pier that stretches 300 feet into the York River. External parties interested in using the facility should contact SRL Director Jim Brister. |
Watermen’s HallOpened in 1984, this 40,000 square-foot building houses our Visitors Center, McHugh Auditorium and many of our administrative offices. It also houses the William J. Hargis Jr. Library, with more than 80,000 volumes and electronic access to marine literature worldwide. The administrative offices headquartered in Watermen’s Hall are |
Use by External Parties
We offer select facilities, services and vessels at cost for use by external parties.
Analytical Services LabThe Analytical Service Center (ASC) researches, develops and refines methodologies for analyses in a wide spectrum of environmental matrices. ASC instrumentation is of the current generation: computer control/acquisition, background correction and all optimized for saline matrix. Extensive field experience has created a suite of well-honed sampling and processing procedures and specialized equipment. For more information, contact Lab Director Carol Pollard. |
Facility RentalsThe Batten School & VIMS rent conference rooms, a 275-person auditorium and classrooms to external groups. These spaces may be rented for meetings, lectures and other not-for-profit functions. Furniture, linens, coffee/tea and other set-ups can also be arranged for on-site events. All uses must be approved by our Special Events Coordinator or the Dean & Director. To inquire about having an event at the Batten School & VIMS, please contact our the Events Coordinator at jade@vims.edu. |
Flow Cytometry FacilityOur Flow Cytometry Facility features a BD Influx flow cytometer to meet all of your sorting needs. This cell sorter is incredibly fast, boasting a practical throughput of 20,000 events/second, and is able to maintain high purity of sorted particles. For more information, contact Technical Director [v|qroberts,Quinn Roberts]]. You can also fill out the usage request form. |
Nunnally Ichthyology CollectionSpecimens from the Batten School & VIMS Fish Collection are available to research scientists and education centers throughout the U.S. and abroad. For details, visit the Usage Policies web page. Submit loan requests to the curator, Dr. Eric J. Hilton. |
Seawater Research LabExternal scientific parties interested in renting space within our 43,000 square foot Seawater Research Laboratory (SRL) should contact SRL Director Jim Brister. |
Vessel CharteringWe offer several vessels for charter when they are not already scheduled for use by our faculty, staff and students. These include the 93' research vessel R/V Virginia, and the 36' passenger-for-hire M/V Tyndall Pointe. Learn more. |
Other Notable Facilities & Services
Oyster HatcheryProvides space and equipment for the breeding of disease-resistant native oysters and for genetic studies of non-native oysters. Learn more. |
Boat Basin (Marine Operations)Provides a safe harbor for our fleet of research vessels. Learn more. |
Diving FacilityIncludes a diver-training room and classrooms to support our 20-member AAUS-certified dive team. Learn more. |
Seabed Hydraulic FlumeAllows researchers to carry out in-situ experiments on sediment erosion. |
Geotek® Core LoggerAllows study of past climates, seafloor erosion and the bottom-dwelling communities that nurture marine food webs. |