Influx Policies & Procedures

VIMS Campus
During your visit, you will have the option of staying at the lovely new on-campus housing for visiting scholars, Abrahamson House.   Abrahamson House

Visitors will be given a short orientation to the laboratory, so you can easily find your way to the equipment you need.  You will be given 24-hour access to the laboratory facility with a temporary keycard.


All persons working on VIMS campus will need to complete a short safety training checklist to ensure that your stay here is comfortable and risk-free. 

There is also 24-hour security personnel (phone: 804-694-7300) available on campus, should you have any difficulties accessing the buildings or would like an escort between the laboratory and the dormitory.

Flow Cytometer

Once your quick orientation to the campus is complete, experienced users will be able to start sorting right away.  For users unfamiliar with the instrument, or needing a quick refresher, our lab technician will assist you in getting the instrument set up, calibrated, and running smoothly.  From there, you can work out a strategy to meet your cytometry needs, and there will be assistance available to make sure that you are able to accomplish your sorting and analysis goals.

Questions?  Contact us