The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

Nitrogen Biogeochemistry

We do nitrogen!!

Lab Manager Marta Sanderson prepares samples for analysis under the isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Photo by Susan Stein.
Graduate student Carolina Funkey prepares water samples for analysis in Deborah Bronk's Nitrogen Biogeochemistry Lab at VIMS. Photo by Marta Sanderson.
EON tanks
EON tanks Lab manager Marta Sanderson monitors tanks set up at VIMS to measure the bioavailability of effluent organic nitrogen in water samples from the James and York rivers as part of the EON project. Photo courtesy of Deborah Bronk.

Research in the Nitrogen Biogeochemistry Laboratory at the Virginia Insitute of Marine Science focuses on two processes: the uptake of nitrogen from the environment by phytoplankton and bacteria, and the release of nitrogen to the environment through egestion, exrection, viral lysis, and other processes.

Our researchers seek to understand the relationship of nitrogen flux to carbon and other nutrients, the role that cell physiology and photochemistry play in controlling the rates of nitrogen uptake or release, and the quantitatively most-important chemical fractions involved in uptake and release. We do this work in a wide range of environments from rivers and estuaries to the open ocean to Antarctica.

We also work with carbon, phosphorus, and silica....but only when absolutely necessary!

Contact Us

Main lab: 804-684-7476
Flow cytometry lab: 804-684-7449

Deliveries (U.S. Mail and Courier)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Route 1208, Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA, 23062-1346, USA

Directions and Maps