Laboratory Groups
Laboratory groups are research units within an academic section that are typically headed by one or more faculty members and include technicians and graduate students. Also, see our Legacy Lab Groups.
- Biogeochemical Circulation Ocean Modeling
- Biogeochemistry Across Boundaries
- Coastal and Estuarine Ecology Lab (CEEL)
- Coastal Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics (CHSD)
- Coastal Ecogeomophology Lab
- Coastal Geology
- Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Lab & Team (C-SALT)
- Community Ecology
- Crustacean Diseases
- Ecosystem Modeling
- Ecotoxicology
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Statistics and Transdisciplinary Data Science
- Fisheries Genetics Program
- Histopathology
- Marine Molecular Genetics
- Marine Physiological Ecology
- Molluscan Ecology Program
- Phytoplankton Ecology
- Sediment Transport Modeling
- Shellfish Pathology Laboratory
- Systems Ecology and Modeling Program
- Tagging Research
- Weng Lab
- Zooplankton Ecology