
The following websites provide access to past research activities at VIMS for archival purposes. Please note that some of the infomation they provide may be out-of-date.


Programs are long-term, formalized research collaborations that employ dedicated staff. VIMS programs are funded by the Virginia General Assembly or by state and federal agencies.




Sea Turtle Stranding Program 1979-2008 Fisheries Science

Lab Groups

Laboratory groups are research units within an academic department that are typically headed by one or more faculty members. Here's a directory to the lab pages of faculty members previously at VIMS.


Faculty Head


Autonomous Systems Laboratory Dr. Mark Patterson Biological Sciences
Benthic Ecology Dr. Bob Diaz Biological Sciences
Environmental Microbiology Dr. Howard Kator Aquatic Health Sciences
Fish Immunity Dr. Stephen Kaattari Aquatic Health Sciences
Fish and Shellfish Nutrition Dr. Fu-Lin Chu Aquatic Health Sciences
Marine Biodiversity Dr. Emmett Duffy Biological Sciences
Oyster Pathophysiology & Diseases Dr. Fu-Lin Chu Aquatic Health Sciences
Risk Assessment Dr. Michael Newman Aquatic Health Sciences


Projects are one-time, grant-funded activities that result in formal report(s) or other information products. Here's a directory of past projects.




Beach Erosion Hotspots 2001-2008 Physical Sciences
Bioavailability of Effluent Organic Nitrogen (BEON) 2008-2010 Physical Sciences
Cornwallis AUV Project 2011 Biological Sciences
Controls on Ross Sea Algal Community Structure (CORSACS) 2006-2009 Biological Sciences
Craney Island Eastward Expansion (CIEE) 2005 Physical Sciences
Ecology of Solitary and Colonial Antarctic phaeocystis (ESCAP) 2006-2007 Biological Sciences
Elizabeth River Tributyltin Monitoring Program 1999-2006 Aquatic Health Sciences
Initiative for Coastal Climate Change Research (ICCCR) 2006-2010 Interdisciplinary
Interannual Variations in the Ross Sea, Antarctica (IVARS) 2001-2006 Biological Sciences
Linking Benthic Community Structure and Ecosystem Function 2003-2005 Biological Science
Menhaden Research 2004-2010 Fisheries Science
Mycobacteriosis in Striped Bass 1998-2011 Aquatic Health Sciences
Nitrogen Fixation in the Gulf of Mexico 2001-2004 Physical Sciences
Organic Matter in Chesapeake Bay 2008-2010 Physical Sciences
Pfiesteria Research 1998-2003 Aquatic Health Sciences
Tides & Currents (TC) Tutorial 2007 Physical Sciences
Wave Climate Model 1974 Physical Sciences