
Ways you can be a part of CEEL

A single column table for formatting purposes.
Undergraduate Researcher

Undergraduate research is an important first step on the path to being a professional scientist.  In the Patrick Lab we support undergraduate researchers and are particularly interested in individuals who would like to work with us for multiple semesters and develop independent research projects.  There are always opportunities to volunteer for research experience, to do research for academic credit, or paid positions if funding is available.  Ad as lab projects are funded, we’ll post related job advertisements here.

Graduate Researcher
Positions available for 2021

There are currently no positions available for 2021

General Information

Potential graduate students who are interested in joining my lab group should send me a letter of interest in addition to your CV and transcripts.  In your letter, please tell me about your research interests and why you are pursuing a graduate degree.  

I look for several things in prospective students:  prior independent research experience, evidence of scientific writing ability, strong quantitative skills, a demonstrated record of being an independent thinking self-starter, and most importantly a passion for scientific research.  We don’t do this for the money; successful scientists love what they do! 

Graduate students at VIMS are supported through a combination of RAs and some TA support.  Graduate student stipend is generous relative to the low cost of living.  In addition to institutional funds, I encourage all students to seek external funding.  All of my students are encouraged to apply for National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships and Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants as well as fellowships and research grants from NOAA, EPA, Professional Societies, and regional academies as appropriate.  While these opportunities are competitive, applying for grants is an important skill to develop, and successful students will both improve their curriculum vitae and are then able to be more independent in their research.

Postdoctoral Researcher
Positions Available for 2021:

There are currently no positions available.

General Information:

​In addition to advertised positions, I always invite interested post-doctoral collaborators to get in touch if they are looking for a mentor or would like to write a proposal with me.  There are several different mechanisms for early career investigators to get post-doctoral funding through the National Science Foundation in Biology, Ocean Sciences, and Earth Sciences as well as fellowships offered through foundations like the Smith Conservation Fellowships. 

Technical Staff