Steinberg, Deborah K.
CSX Professor
Email: [[debbies]]
Phone: (804) 684-7838
Office: Andrews Hall 328
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Zooplankton ecology; coastal and deep sea food webs/marine "snow."
Website: {{, Zooplankton Ecology}}
Cope, Joe
Scientist I
Email: [[joecope]]
Phone: (804) 684-7357
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 121
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Research Interests: Zooplankton taxonomy, population dynamics, statistics
Website: {{,Zooplankton Ecology}}
Corso, Andrew
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|adcorso]]
Phone: (804) 684-7547
Office: Nunnally Hall 132
Advisors: {{, Dr. Eric Hilton}} and {{, Dr. Deborah Steinberg}}
Thomas, Maya
Ph.D. Candidate
Email: [[v|mithomas]]
Phone: (804) 684-7401
Office: CBH S213
Interests: Zooplankton ecology, food web interactions
Mowatt-Larssen, Tor
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|tmowattlarssen]]
Phone: (804) 684-7324
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S206
Advisor: {{,Dr. Deborah Steinberg}}
Interests: Marine food webs, carbon cycling, midwater ecology