Coastal Systems Ecology and Modeling Program

Currently Funded Projects
  • Enhanced assessment and modeling of nitrogen removal associated with restored oyster reefs in Harris Creek, MD. The Nature Conservancy and Oyster Recovery Partnership, 2015-2017. PIs: Kellogg, M.L., J.C. Cornwell, and M.J. Brush. 

  • Coupled ecosystem modeling of the NRE for research, synthesis, and management. Defense Coastal / Estuarine Research Program, funded by DoD's Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, 2012-2017. PI: M.J. Brush.

  • Climatic drivers regulating benthic – pelagic carbon and associated nutrient exchanges in the New River Estuary. Defense Coastal / Estuarine Research Program, funded by DoD's Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, 2012-2017. PIs: I.C. Anderson, M.J. Brush, C.R. Tobias, B. McKee, and S. Ensign.

  • Collaborative research: microbial regulation of greenhouse gas N2O emission from intertidal oyster reefs. NSF National Science Foundation, 2012-2017. PIs: B. Song, C.R. Tobias, M.F. Piehler, and M.J. Brush.

  • Observations and modeling of Narragansett Bay hypoxia and its response to nutrient management. NOAA Coastal Hypoxia Research Program, 2011-2016. PIs: D.L. Codiga, C. Kincaid, S. Nixon, S. Granger, C. Oviatt, H. Stoffel, D. Ullman, S. Kiernan, C. Deacutis, W. Prell, J. Vaudrey, J. Kremer, and M. Brush.

Current & Past Student Projects
  • Shanna Williamson, M.S. student, project TBD

  • Sara Blachman, M.S. student, "A model of the phytoplankton community assemblage in the New River Estuary and a heuristic simulation of climate and land-use changes"

  • Britt Dean, M.S. student, "Modulation of watershed nutrient loads by tidal creek ecosystems on the Virginia Eastern Shore"

  • Emily Skeehan, M.S. 2015, "Assessing the impact of climate change on proposed restoration of the Lynnhaven ecosystem"

  • Michael Kuschner, M.S. 2015, "Modeling the effect of shellfish aquaculture and restoration on system-level processes within Mid-Atlantic estuaries"

  • Sam Lake, Ph.D. 2013, "Modeling the formation of periodic hypoxia in partially mixed estuaries and its response to oligotrophication and climate change"

  • Brittani Koroknay, M.S. 2012, "Quantifying watershed loads to a low relief, coastal plain estuary:  the New River Estuary, N.C."

  • Lance Gardner, Ph.D. 2012, "Positive and negative feedbacks within Zostera marina beds within the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia"

  • Heather Wiseman, M.S. 2010, "Quantifying the ecosystem role of a suspension and a facultative deposit feeding bivalve in the New River Estuary, NC, with responses to changes in nutrient and sediment inputs"

  • Juliette Giordano, M.S. 2009, "Nutrient loading and system response in the coastal lagoons of the Delmarva Peninsula".  A report based on Chapter 1 of this thesis was used to inform the Accomack County (VA) 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update and can be found here


Contact Dr. Mark J. Brush
Coastal Systems Ecology and Modeling Program/ VIMS
PO Box 1346, Gloucester Point, VA  23062-1346, USA
Telephone:  804-684-7402; FAX:  804-684-7293
