Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 10am on Thursday, January 22.

Fisheries Genetics and Pelagic Fishes

This Fisheries Genetics and Pelagic Fishes Program has clearly exhibited “mission creep” over the past 20 years.  Originally the program focused on the application of molecular genetic techniques to investigate stock structures, evolutionary histories, and forensic identification of a variety of marine species, with an emphasis on pelagic fishes.  Over the past ten years we have continued our genetic studies but the program has expanded to include investigations of pelagic fish movements (stock mixing), post-release survival, habitat utilization, and the efficacy of commercial and recreational fishing gear.  Many of these studies are focused at minimizing bycatch and bycatch mortality, and all provide information necessary for the management of sustainable pelagic fisheries.  

Contact Us
Fisheries Genetics Program, c/o John Graves
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
P.O. Box 1346, Gloucester Pt., VA  23062-1346, USA
Telephone:  804-684-7352
e-mail: [[graves,Professor John Graves]] or [[mcdowell, Dr. Jan McDowell]]