Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

VIMS Broader Impact Support

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Broader Impact (BI) projects at VIMS take many different forms, reach a broad range of audiences, and cover a diverse array of topics. The VIMS Broader Impact Practioners is a team of professionals who help foster science communication across and beyond the VIMS campus community and coordinate education and outreach programs for external audiences.  For a sampling of some of the programs we provide and the audiences we serve, please see the contact chart below.

In addition to their own regular programs, VIMS BI Practioners often collaborate with VIMS scientists to assist in the development and implementation of BI components of research proposals. VIMS researchers looking for assistance with Broader Impacts are encouraged to contact any of the professionals below. 

Best Practices for Planning your Broader Impacts (BI):

  • Contact BI collaborators at the start of project planning
  • Integrate BI elements throughout the entire project (not just a workshop at the end of the project)
  • Consider a multi-layered approach that offers different elements to a variety of audiences (students, teachers, the general public, resource managers, etc.)
  • Include adequate time and funding for BI elements (including salary for the educators involved)


For more information on Broader Impact support at VIMS, contact Lisa Lawrence (ayers@vims.edu or x7608)

Educator Email Dept/Center Target Audiences
Kristen Sharpe knsharpe@vims.edu Advancement General Public, Donors
Celia Cackowski ccackowski@vims.edu Advisory Program Aquaculture Community, Workforce Development Community, Graduate Students, K12 Teachers, Informal Educators
Karen Duhring karend@vims.edu CCRM State & Local Government, Resource Managers, Citizen Scientists
Cirse Gonzalez cagonzalez@vims.edu CBNERR Coastal Professionals, Decisionmakers, Resource Managers
Lisa Lawrence ayers@vims.edu Advisory Program K12 Teachers, Informal Educators, Graduate Students, Culinary Community
Sarah Nuss mcguire@vims.edu CBNERR K12 Students, K12 Teachers, Informal Educators, Families
Matthew Thayer mlthayer@vims.edu CBNERR K12 Students, K12 Teachers, Informal Educators, Families
Bethany Smith bsmith@vims.edu Advisory Program K12 Teachers, K12 Students, Informal Educators, Graduate Students