Interlibrary Loan
Go beyond our collections
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Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for the VIMS community is provided through the Swem Library ILLiad service.
First time users must register in order to request material.
Use your W&M ID number and email name when registering and select Marine Science (VIMS) in the department option.
Once you have registered, you will be able to make requests for items not available through the collections at Hargis Library. Connect to your account via the Request an Item link above.
Notifications regarding your requests and your requested articles will be sent to your W&M email account. You may want to redirect these messages to your main email account.
Books and reports will be available for pickup at Hargis Library. We will let you know when it is here.
Before submitting a request, check to see if we already have what you need. Below are some tips to help you.
- How do I find out what's in the Hargis Library?
- What can I get on ILL?
- How much does it cost?
- How long does it take?
- How long can I keep the borrowed item?
- Interlibrary Loan lending for the non-VIMS community
- Information for libraries
- Questions? Problems?
How do I find out what's in the Hargis Library?
For books and reports search the catalog database. VIMS theses and dissertations are available online. Dissertations from other schools should first be searched in the ProQuest Dissertations database which has online access to many works from 1996 onwards. Also check the Theses and Dissertations information page as there are other options available.
For journals, first check the FIND Journal search box on the library home page which links to journals both online and in print.
Need help in translating a journal abbreviation into the full name? Try this search.
If you don't find your item, fill out the appropriate request form and we will do the rest.
What can I get on ILL?
You can get copies of journal articles, conference papers, and chapters in books.
You can also borrow entire books, technical reports, atlases, maps, theses and dissertations.
It is usually not possible to borrow rare or very old books, entire issues of a journal, computer programs and software manuals, or reference materials such as encyclopedias or dictionaries. However, we will always try to get whatever you need, so don't hesitate to submit a request.
Article and book chapter pdfs will be available from your ILLIAD interlibrary loan account; physical items are first sent to the main library and then to Hargis Library for you to pickup. Items lent to us must be returned by the due date shown on the form attached to the work.
The format of the material lent (e.g., pdf vs photocopy, microform vs paper copy) and the length of the loan period is determined by the lending library.
Items from Swem or other W&M libraries: You do not have to obtain these materials yourself unless you prefer to make the trip. You can request items from other W&M libraries: Sign into the catalog, locate the item you want, select the FIND or REQUEST tab, choose the Request option, fill in the form. The requested book will be sent to Hargis Library and we'll contact you when it arrives. These items can be returned to Hargis Library.
Faculty: Please do not request entire works that you intend to place on reserve for a class; ask the library to purchase what you need.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge to you for this service.
How long does it take?
Articles usually arrive within 2-3 business days or sooner, print items generally within 5 business days. There are always exceptions, so the more time you allow, the better.
How long may I keep an item?
The library that lends the material sets the loan period. Generally, you may keep an item for at least two weeks. Materials are due back to Hargis Library on or before the date noted on the attached form.
Failure to comply with the condition of a loan can jeopardize both your interlibrary loan privileges as well as those of W&M Libraries with our lending partners.
Renewals are an exception and a request for extension should be made to Swem Interlibrary Loan Services (757-221-3089) at least 4 days prior to the due date, as the lending library must be contacted for permission.
Some lending libraries do not permit renewals under any circumstance.
Interlibrary Loan Lending Policies for the Non-VIMS Community
William & Mary Affiliates:
If you are a W&M faculty member or student, you may check out materials directly while you are at Hargis Library using your current W&M id. Your loan period may vary from those of Swem Library and the Wolf Law Library.You may request to borrow Hargis materials: sign into the catalog, locate the item you want, select the FIND or REQUEST tab, choose the Request option, fill in the form. Pickup from the designated location.
Other Individuals:
If you are not associated with VIMS or W&M and you want to borrow something from Hargis Library, please contact your local library and ask them to borrow it for you.
Contact Swem Interlibrary Loan Services, 757-221-3089.