Emergency Contacts


Call 9-911 from any campus phone. If you call 911 from a cellular phone, be prepared to tell the operator your exact location.

  • Stay on the line until the operator ends the call.
  • Tell the operator which building you are in or near and where you are in the building.
  • Give the operator all the details of the incident
VIMS contacts for emergencies:
  • [[v|emfidler, Eric Fidler]], Safety & Security Manager, Office: 804-684-7322; Cell: 804-832-4158 Hazmat spills, safety training, contact for hazardous materials, general health & safety
  • Marine Operations - Emergency & After Hours Contacts
  • [[v|jprichar, Paul Richardson]], Dive Safety Officer, Office: 804-684-7058, 804-684-7200; Cell: 804-695-6794
  • Worker's Compensation Coordinator (W&M) - for a medical emergency you should call 911 or otherwise seek emergency treatment; refer to the website for additional instructions.
How to contact us
  • For general questions and non-emergency problems, contact us by telephone, e-mail, or in person.
  • In an EMERGENCY, contact us by telephone (numbers are available above and also on the "Emergency" stickers on campus phones).
Office of Safety and Environmental Programs: E-mail addresses
  1. [[v|emfidler, Eric Fidler]]
  2. [[v|safety, Safety]]