The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

Community Supported Agriculture

Buy seasonally and get it direct from the farm

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a system in which subscribers buy into a local farm and receive a share of the harvest. Some farms have weekly or seasonal subscriptions, in which a flat rate is paid and members pick up their food at a designated location. Other CSAs ask that, along with paying for a subscription, members volunteer some of their time to work on the farm. As the name suggests, a CSA fosters community involvement, as subscribers share the “risk” of crop yields along with the farmers. This is a great way to learn more about farming and take some time to get your hands dirty.

Ceo Maidin Feirm
8636 Merry Oaks Ln, Toano, VA 23168
Certified Naturally Grown heirloom, traditional and rare vegetables, flowers and herbs. CSA subscribers can pick up produce at the Sacred Grounds café in Toano or the Daily Shake in Lightfoot.

Dayspring Farm
HCR 74, Box 2885, Cologne, VA 23037
Variety of vegetables, herbs, berries, melons, flowers and eggs

Holly Hill Organic Farm
2179 Water View Rd, Water View, VA 23180
Certified Naturally Grown and organic vegetables, herbs, fruits, eggs and flowers. Greenhouse grown vegetables in the off seasons.