Summer Intern (REU)

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

REU 2024 Summer Interns (L to R): Trixie Southwood, Sachi Anand, Sergey Dutt, Jessica Jarratt, Ella Indseth, Cadance Sweringen, Melanie Ramos Maymi, Jazea Smith, Aylin Hurtado, and Ben Muher (not pictured: Aroosh Majety)
VIMS REUs 2023
REU 2023 Summer Interns (L to R) back row: Alvio Barbaretta, Kyra DeGroat, Jennifer Lin, Lohit Tyagi, Elissa DeFeyter, Jessica Nguyen, Yahques Smith, Conor Padmanabhan, Mason Trottier; Front row: Sunnidae Gallien, Katie Gabe, and Serenity Poston-Hymel
Summer Interns 2022
REU 2022 Summer Interns (L to R) Anisa Sellers, Zophia Galvan, Tiffany Hwang, Sara Sara Vahdatshoar, James Lu, Alexandria Pomroy , Garrison Bullard, Grace Levins, Cole Miller, Lindsey Smith, and Eli Whitehead-Zimmers (Not pictured: Grace Kirkpatrick)

Each year the Summer Intern Program - Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) places 12 undergraduates with faculty mentors for a summer research experience. Internships are available in many areas of marine science, including marine biology and ecology; biological, geological, chemical, and physical oceanography; environmental science; fisheries; and resource management.

The program is funded by the National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, VIMS, William & Mary (W&M), private donors, and grants to individual faculty. The main contacts for the VIMS REU program are the program director, Rochelle Seitz, and program coordinator, Grace Massey. For all inquires about the VIMS REU program, please use the emails or The NSF contact for this program is Lisa Rom, or 703-292-7709. NSF does not handle REU applications; please contact each REU site directly. For the VIMS REU program use the email for application information. Visit "How To Apply" for the VIMS REU application.

All students, particularly those from non-research institutes who can most benefit from our opportunity, are encouraged to apply. In general, rising juniors and seniors are preferred for the traditional REU because of their better course preparation, but we will also consider rising sophomores who have enough science and math background (e.g., AP or other advanced courses in high school) to benefit from an earlier research experience. Some advanced placement courses will show up on your college transcript. If they do not, please be sure to mention what you've taken in the "other comments" section of the application.  

 Undergraduate student participants supported with NSF funds in either REU Supplements or REU Sites must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States.

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science, located in Gloucester Point, Virginia, is one of the largest coastal and estuarine science institutions in the world, with more than 50 faculty and a graduate student body of more than 75. VIMS houses state-of-the-art oceanographic instrumentation and analytical facilities, a large fleet of coastal research vessels, a world-class marine science library, and is close to a variety of habitats ranging from freshwater tributaries to the coastal ocean. The School of Marine Science is a part of William & Mary, one of the most highly rated public universities emphasizing undergraduate education in the United States.

Are you a former intern visiting the website? If so, please [[v|intern,send us an update!]] Also, find us on Facebook - VIMS Summer Intern REU Alumni.