
Living Shorelines Book

Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-based Coastal Protection compiles, synthesizes and interprets the current state of the knowledge on the science and practice of nature-based shoreline protection.   International perspectives are presented from leading researchers and managers in the East, West and Gulf coasts of the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia that are working on natural approaches to shoreline management. This book will provide coastal communities with the scientific foundation and practical guidance necessary to implement effective shoreline management that enhances ecosystem services and coastal resilience now and into the future.

General Information
  • Forecasting Coastal Water Levels in Virginia, Rivers & Coast, 2018 (pdf)
  • Adapt Virginia: A New Web Portal about Climate Change Adaptations (, Rivers & Coasts, 2017 (pdf)
  • Current Initiatives to Better Understand, Monitor and Predict Climate-Related Changes. Bilkovic, D. M. and M. Mitchell. 2016 Virginia Coastal Partners Workshop. (pdf)
  • Sea-Level Rise & Virginia's Coastal Wetlands, Rivers & Coasts, 2016 (pdf)
  • Recurrent Flooding Study for Tidewater Virginia. Mitchell, M., C. Hershner, J. Herman, D. Schatt, E. Eggington and S. Stiles. 2013. Virginia Senate Document No.3. Richmond, Virginia. Report. (pdf)
  • Recurrent Flooding Study, Rivers & Coasts, 2012 (pdf)
Scientific Products
  • Leu, M., Isdell, R.E., Galvin III, R.M., Rapp, A.J., Mason, S.D., Bilkovic, DM. and Chambers, R.M., 2023.  Comparable use of tidal living shorelines and natural‐fringe marshes by herons and shorebirds. Ecosphere, 14(11), p.e4683. (link)
  • Guthrie, A.G., Stafford, S., Scheld, A.M., Nunez, K. and Bilkovic, DM., 2023. Property owner shoreline modification decisions vary based on their perceptions of shoreline change and interests in ecological benefits. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, p.1031012. (link)
  • Levine, A.J., Turrietta, E.M., Bilkovic, DM. and Chambers, R.M., 2022. Demographic and Trophic Analysis of Adult Grass Shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) from Living Shoreline and Natural Tidal Marshes in the Chesapeake Bay. Northeastern Naturalist, 29(2), pp.207-228. (link)
  • Guthrie, A.G., DM. Bilkovic, M.M. Mitchell, R.M. Chambers, J. Thompson, R.E. Isdell. 2022. Ecological equivalency of living shorelines and natural marshes for fish and crustacean communities. Ecological Engineering 176: 106511. (link)
  • Morris, R.L., Bilkovic, DM., Walles, B. and Strain, E.M., 2022. Nature-based coastal defence: Developing the knowledge needed for wider implementation of living shorelines. Ecological Engineering, 185, pp.1-6.
  • Isdell, R. E., DM. Bilkovic, A. Guthrie, M.M. Mitchell, R. Chambers, M. Leu, and C. Hershner. 2021. Living Shorelines Achieve Functional Equivalence to Natural Fringe Marshes across Multiple Ecological Metrics. PeerJ 9: e11815. (link)
  • Nunez, K., Rudnicky, T., Mason, P., Tombleson, C., Berman, M. 2022. A geospatial modeling approach to assess site suitability of living shorelines and emphasize best shoreline management practices. Ecological Engineering. 179. 106617. (link)
  • Bilkovic, D.M., R.E. Isdell, D. Stanhope, K.T. Angstadt, K.J. Havens, R.M. Chambers. 2021. Nursery habitat use by juvenile blue crabs in created and natural fringing marshes. Ecological Engineering 170:106333. (link)
  • Nunez, K., Zhang, Y., Bilkovic, D.M., and C. Hershner. 2021. Coastal setting determines tidal marsh sustainability with accelerating sea-level riseOcean & Coastal Management, 214, 105898. (link
  • Bilkovic, D.M., R.E. Isdell, A.G. Guthrie, M.M. Mitchell, and R.M. Chambers. 2021. Ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) population response to living shoreline design and ecosystem development. Coastal and Marine Ecology. (link)
  • Morris, R.L., La Peyre, M.K., Webb, B.M., Marshall, D.A., Bilkovic, DM., Cebrian, J., McClenachan, G., Kibler, K.M., Walters, L.J., Bushek, D. and Sparks, E.L., 2021. Large‐scale variation in wave attenuation of oyster reef living shorelines and the influence of inundation duration. Ecological Applications, p.e2382. (link)
  • Humphreys, A., A.L. Gorsky, DM. Bilkovic, R.M Chambers. 2021. Changes in plant communities of low-salinity tidal marshes in response to sea level rise. Ecosphere 12(7):e03630. 10.1002/ecs2.3630. (link)
  • R.M. Chambers, A.L. Gorsky, R.E. Isdell, M.M. Mitchell, and D.M. Bilkovic. 2020. Comparison of nutrient accrual in constructed living shoreline and natural fringing marshes. Ocean and Coastal Management.
  • Stafford, Sarah and Guthrie, Amanda. 2020. What Drives Property Owners to Modify their Shorelines? A Case Study of Gloucester County, Virginia. Wetlands. (link)
  • Isdell, R., DM. Bilkovic, C.H. Hershner. 2020. Large projected population loss of a salt marsh bivalve (Geukensia demissa) from sea level rise. (link)
  • Mitchell, M, Bilkovic, DM. Embracing dynamic design for climate‐resilient living shorelines. J Appl Ecol. 2019; 56: 10991105. (link)
  • Bilkovic DM., M. Mitchell, J. Davis, J. Herman, E. Andrews, A. King, P. Mason, N. Tahvildari, J. Davis, R. Dixon. 2019. Defining boat wake impacts on shoreline stability toward management and policy solutions. Ocean and Coastal Management 182:104945. (link)
  • Smith, E.A., Sweet, W., Mitchell, M., Domingues, R., Weaver, C., Baringer, M., Goni, G.J., Haines, J., Loftis, J.D., Boon, J. and Malmquist, D., 2019. Treading water: Tools to help US coastal communities plan for sea level rise impacts. Frontiers in Marine Science6, p.300. (link)
  • Tully, K., Gedan, K., Epanchin-Niell, R., Strong, A., Bernhardt, E.S., BenDor, T., Mitchell, M., Kominoski, J., Jordan, T.E., Neubauer, S.C. and Weston, N.B., 2019. The Invisible Flood: The Chemistry, Ecology, and Social Implications of Coastal Saltwater Intrusion. BioScience69(5), pp.368-378. (link)
  • Morris, R., Bilkovic, DM., Boswell, M., Bushek, D. Cebrian, J., Goff, J., Kibler, K., La Peyre, M.K., McClenachan, G., Moody, J., Sacks, P., Shinn, J., Sparks, E., Temple, N., Walters, L., Webb, B., Swearer, S. 2019. The application of oyster reefs in shoreline protection: are we over-engineering for an ecosystem engineer Journal of Applied Ecology 56(70):1703-1711. (link)
  • Mitchell M, Bilkovic DM. Embracing Dynamic Design for Climate-Resilient Living Shorelines. J Appl Ecol. 2019;00:1–7. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13371 (link)
  • Boon, J. D., M. Mitchell, D. K. Loftis, and D. L. Malmquist (2018), Anthropocene Sea Level Change: A History of Recent Trends Observed in the U.S. East, Gulf and West Coast Regions, in Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE) No. 467, edited, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA. (link)
  • Bilkovic, D.M., M.M. Mitchell. 2017. Designing living shoreline salt marsh ecosystems to promote coastal resilience. Chapter In Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-based Coastal Protection In D.M. Bilkovic, M. Mitchell,  M. La Peyre, and J. Toft  (eds), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (link)
  • Bilkovic, D.M., M. Mitchell, J. Toft, M. La Peyre. 2017. A Primer to Living Shorelines. Chapter In Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-based Coastal Protection In D.M. Bilkovic, M. Mitchell,  M. La Peyre, and J. Toft  (eds), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (link)
  • Toft, J. Bilkovic, D.M., M. Mitchell, M. La Peyre. 2017. A Synthesis of Living Shoreline Perspectives. Chapter In Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-based Coastal Protection In D.M. Bilkovic, M. Mitchell,  M. La Peyre, and J. Toft  (eds), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (link)
  • Beck, A.J., R.M. Chambers, M.M. Mitchell, M. Bilkovic. 2017. Evaluation of living shoreline marshes as a tool for reducing nitrogen pollution in coastal systems. In D.M. Bilkovic, M. Mitchell,  M. La Peyre, and J. Toft  (eds), Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-based Coastal Protection, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kornis, M., D. Breitburg, R. Balouskus, M. Bilkovic, L. Davias, S. Giordano, K. Heggie, A. Hines, J. Jacobs, T. Jordan, R. King, C. Patrick, R. Seitz, H. Soulen, T. Targett, D. Weller, D. Whigham, J. Uphoff Jr.  2017. Linking the abundance of estuarine fish and crustaceans in nearshore waters to shoreline hardening and land cover. Estuaries and Coasts DOI:10.1007/s12237-017-0213-6. (link)
  • Kornis, D.M. Bilkovic, L.A. Davias, S. Giordano, and D.L. Breitburg. 2017. Shoreline hardening affects nekton biomass, size structure and taxonomic diversity in nearshore waters, with responses mediated by functional species groups. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-017-0214-5. (link)
  • Bilkovic, D.M., M. Mitchell, J. Davis, E. Andrews, A. King, P. Mason, J. Herman, N. Tahvildari, J. Davis. 2017. Review of boat wake wave impacts on shoreline erosion and potential solutions for the Chesapeake Bay. STAC Publication Number 17-002, Edgewater, MD. 68 pp. (link) (pdf)
  • Mitchell, M., J. Herman, D. Bilkovic, C. Hershner. 2017. Marsh persistence under sea level rise is controlled by multiple, geologically variable stressors. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 3(10). (link)
  • Behr, J.G., R. Diaz, M. Mitchell. Jan 2016. Building Resiliency in Response to Sea Level Rise and Recurrent Flooding: Comprehensive Planning in Hampton Roads. The Virginia News Letter 92 (1): 1-6. (pdf)
  • Boon, J.D. and Mitchell, M. 2016. Reply to: Houston, J.R., 2016. Discussion of: Boon, J.D. and Mitchell, M., 2015. Nonlinear Change in Sea Level Observed at North American Tide Stations. Journal of Coastal Research, 31(6), 1295–1305. Journal of Coastal Research, 32(4), 983–987. Journal of Coastal Research In-Press. (link)
  • Bilkovic, D.M., M. Mitchell, P. Mason, K. Duhring. 2016. The Role of Living Shorelines as Estuarine Habitat Conservation Strategies. Special Issue (Conserving Coastal and Estuarine Habitats) in Coastal Management Journal 44:161-174. (link)
  • Boon, J. and M. Mitchell. 2015. Nonlinear change in sea level observed at North American tide stations. Journal of Coastal Research, 31(6), 1295–1305. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. (link)
  • Mitchell, M, W. Stiles, Jr., and T. Hartley. 2014. "Sea Level Rise: A Relentless Reality That Virginia Must Continue to Plan Carefully For," The Virginia News Letter (published by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia), August 2014. (link)
  • Mitchell, M., J. Herman, and C. Hershner. 2013. Changing Tides, Changing Times in Essex County. Essex Countryside Alliance Magazine. Pg. 42-49. Re-printed in the Rappahannock Times, Jan 29, 2014. (pdf)
  • Bilkovic, M., M.M Mitchell. 2013. Ecological tradeoffs of stabilized salt marshes as a shoreline protection strategy: effects of artificial structures on macrobenthic assemblages. Ecological Engineering 61:469-481. (link)
  • Stiles, W., M. Mitchell, T. Hartley. 2013. The Policy Climate for Climate Change in Virginia: Overview of adaptation policy, planning and implementation landscape. Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal. 5(2):1-14. (pdf)
  • Hershner, C. and M. Mitchell. 2013. Rising Tides, Sinking Coast: How Virginia’s coastal communities can adapt to surging sea levels. Virginia Issues & Answers. Winter 2012-2013: 22-27. (pdf)
  • Bilkovic, D., M. Roggero Mitchell, K. Havens, C. Hershner. 2012. Transitional Wetland Faunal Community Characterization and Response to Precipitation-Driven Salinity Fluctuations. Wetlands 32(3): 425-437. ISSN 0277-5212  DOI:10.1007/s13157-012-0276-x. (link)
  • Najjar, R.G., Pyke, C.R., Adams, M.B., Breitburg, D., Hershner, C., Kemp, M., Howarth, R., Mulholland, M.R., Paolisso, M., Secor, D. and Sellner, K., 2010. Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86(1), pp.1-20. (link)
  • Titus, J.G., Hudgens, D.E., Trescott, D.L., Craghan, M., Nuckols, W.H., Hershner, C.H., Kassakian, J.M., Linn, C.J., Merritt, P.G., McCue, T.M. and O’Connell, J.F., 2009. State and local governments plan for development of most land vulnerable to rising sea level along the US Atlantic coast. Environmental Research Letters, 4(4), p.044008. (link)
  • Hershner, C. and K. Havens. 2008. Managing Invasive Aquatic Plants in a Changing System: Strategic Consideration of Ecosystem Services. Conservation Biology 22 (3), 544–550. (pdf)
  • Bilkovic, D.M. and M. Roggero. 2008. Effects of coastal development on nearshore estuarine nekton communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series  358:27-39. (pdf)
  • Bilkovic, D.M., M. Roggero, C.H. Hershner, K.H. Havens. 2006. Influence of land use on macrobenthic communities in nearshore estuarine habitats.  Estuaries & Coasts 29(6B):1185-1195. (pdf)