Handbook Contents

Background & Purpose

History of Wetlands Management | Virginia Management Laws and Policies | Shoreline Resources Services

Laws & Jurisdictions
  • Local & State: Tidal Wetlands Act |Coastal Primary Sand Dunes and Beaches Act |Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act
  • State: Submerged Lands Act | Virginia Water Protection Program
  • Federal: The Clean Water Act | The Coastal Zone Management Act
  • Local Policies: Fairfax Living Shorelines | King George | Northampton By-Laws | York County
Permit Information

Permit Types | Joint Permit Application | JPA Required Information to be complete | Permit Databases | Permitting Fees

Being on a Board

Purpose | Know Your Role | Be a Board Member | Structure of the Board | Procedures | Decision Reviews | Integration with Other Programs | Training, Contacts & Fees

Conduct a Hearing

Permit Timeline | Hearing Procedures | Elections, Rules & Record Keeping | Form Letters

Decision Support & Technical Assistance

Comprehensive Coastal Resource Management Portals (CCRMPs) | Decision Tools | Wetlands Technical Reports | Shoreline Erosion Advisory Service (SEAS) | Who Do I Ask? - Contacts

Restoration for Resilience

Living Shorelines Permits | Story Maps | Restoration Resources | Project Funding Incentives

Compliance & Other Legal Information

Monitoring, Inspections, Compliance & Restoration | Violations & Penalties | Court Cases | Attorney General Opinions

Know Your Resources

Handbook Contents | Who Do I Ask? - Contacts | Frequently Asked Questions | Glossary | Training | Forms & Fees | Print the Handbook