Working With Us

A description of our motivations and expectations in our role as resource providers, and in collaborative processes and partnerships.


CBNERR-VA staff lead a tour of the York River.

Work With us! 

CBNERR-VA works with a variety of partners, data users, and content consumers at local, regional, national, and global levels.  The projects that we work on are wide-ranging in nature and leverage not only the strengths and expertise inherent in our five programmatic sectors (Research, Stewardship, Conservation and Restoration, Education, and Training), but also our experience living and working in coastal Virginia.  For a glimpse at our work, click through the main menu.




But First...

CBNERR-VA produces data and content, delivers programs, and collaborates with partners guided by its Pillars of Operation.  These pillars represent CBNERR-VA’s core values and orienting principles; they are the bedrock of the Reserve’s program development, and the lens through which the Reserve approaches its roadmap toward vision achievement.  These pillars are our motivation for the statements made below; the recognition and responsibility we ask all partners to consider in their engagements with us, our products, and our programs directly stem from them.

CBNERR-VA staff partner for win-wins.


CBNERR-VA values engagement with partners, data users, and content consumers that acknowledges the value of reciprocity and results in mutually beneficial outcomes.  Herein, we seek a balanced exchange of work (e.g. intellectual property, emotional/inspirational capital, data, labor) achieved through equitable processes and methodologies that avoid potential harm and provide due recognition to all parties involved.

Data Use and Ethics

CBNERR-VA provides access to environmental data through platforms including, but not limited to, VECOS and the NERRS Central Data Management Office. The data in these platforms are a product of ongoing research and monitoring efforts in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Many individuals have contributed to the collection, processing, and management of these data. We respectfully request that data users acknowledge these efforts by citing the data they use in the manners outlined on each respective site, or in the manner suggested by the respective CBNERR-VA data provider.

Notably, data users are responsible for their use of any CBNERR-VA data provided, including the application of any associated problem codes.

Logo Guidance

As a means of acknowledging the work and contributions of our team that have enhanced and/or informed external efforts, we ask that the CBNERR-VA logo be showcased in any communications product referencing, analyzing, and/or reporting on data, products, and/or services that CBNERR-VA, or its staff, has provided or partnered on.  Alternative logo formats may be provided on request.

Pssst...students! Not sure how to work with us? Find inspiration here.

Thinking about partnering with us?

Consider the following:

  • What are your motivations for engaging our team members?
  • What are your expectations in engagement?
  • Are you prepared to credit CBNERR-VA products and services where appropriate?  Doing so helps ensure the sustained provision of each.    
  • Would an agreement serve the partnership?  Should it be informal (e.g. Charter of Collaboration), or formal (Memorandum of Understanding)?


Win-Wins exist... let's achieve them together!