Graduate Program Catalog

Link to: 2024-25 SMS Graduate Course Catalog 

The SMS graduate course catalog serves as the official record of courses offered, degree requirements and policies in effect at the time a student matriculates to the program. It provides course descriptions, prerequisites and credit hours for each course. The university reserves the right to make changes in the regulations, charges, and curricula listed therein at any time. The catalog is current through June and the catalog for the next academic year is published on July 1. Catalog edits should be submitted to the VIMS/SMS Registrar by no later than April 1 each year.

For course planning purposes, the VIMS master curriculum plan identifies marine science course offerings through Summer 2026.

Current SMS Quantitative Offerings: The Quantitative Skills Committee completed a synthesis of topics covered in current SMS quantitative offerings (both core and advanced courses) and compiled a spreadsheet that lists the courses, frequency of each offering, software packages used, and topics covered. Available to internal users only.

View SMS catalogs from previous years:
2023-242022-23 | 2021-222020-21 
Information from catalogs published earlier than 2005-06 may be obtained from the VIMS/SMS Registrar.