The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

Funding Opportunities

Tuition, Stipend & Workship Support (Internal)

VIMS recognizes the importance of supporting students in their study of marine science and strives to keep student debt low by offering financial aid or work-study opportunities that decrease the cost of attendance. When a student is admitted to the SMS Graduate Program with financial aid, the award is detailed in the Offer of Admission letter.

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Policies & Rates

Quick links: Costs & Financial AidTuition and Stipend Rates (VIMS, Office of Sponsored Programs; intranet or VPN only), VIMS/SMS Student Policies

Tuition - All students receive an invoice for tuition at the beginning of each term. When a student is receiving financial aid for tuition, the charge is removed when the tuition is paid or waived by Office for Academic Affairs or paid by an external organization.  Tuition rates are set and approved by the William & Mary Board of Visitors annually.

Stipend - Stipends are paid to students as a living wage. The source of these stipends can vary and may originate from the Office for Academic Affairs or from an advisor’s research grant or other funds they have available.  Stipend rates are determined by the Office for Academic Affairs and the Academic Council, subject to approval by the VIMS Dean & Director and Chief Financial Officer.

Note: Students must be registered as "full time" (9 credits per semester) in order to receive a stipend.   

For developing proposal budgets, Tuition and Stipend Rates (intranet or vpn, only) are provided by Office of Sponsored Programs. If you are developing a proposal budget for a fellowship application, contact the Office of Sponored Programs early and refer to VIMS PPD 0607 (pdf) for additional information related to your proposal budget.

WorkshipGraduate workship allows SMS students to expand the breadth and depth of training while supporting the operational needs of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. A student is eligible for workship if they are in good academic standing, making satisfactory progress as defined by university degree requirements and regulations of the School of Marine Science, and fulfilling assistantship duties as assigned. A particular workship assignment may be recurring, but assignments are generally short-term in duration. Refer to VIMS PPD 0603 (pdf) for important details.

Note: Only students with assistantships are eligible for workship.

The policies that pertain to assistantships and workships are detailed in VIMS/SMS Student Policies in the Student Handbook.

Other Support through Office for Academic Affairs

Quick links (intranet): Apply for FundingVIMS Student Travel GrantsVIMS Student Research GrantsVIMS Student Equipment GrantsVIMS Fellowships for Continuing Students

In addition to providing tuition and stipend support for students in the School of Marine Science, the Office for Academic Affairs administers supplemental funding through application processes that are specific to each funding category. Upcoming deadlines for these funding opportunities are announced in the weekly Academic Digest from Academic Affairs. 

GSA Funding

The VIMS Graduate Student Association (GSA) provides funding awards for travel and research on a competitive basis.

External Funding Opportunities
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External Fellowships & Scholarships

note: if a link below is broken, try searching for the fellowship by name

Other websites serve as portals to funding opportunities:

Marine Science Scholarships (

Pathways to Science lists funding opportunities that may be of particular interest to students from groups that are underrepresented in STEM fields.

Scholarships and Resources for Minority Graduate Students

University of Michigan - School for Environment and Sustainability  provides links to searchable websites, and sections on funding opportunities for minority and international students

The Research Office at Johns Hopkins Univ. has compiled a spreadsheet that includes hundreds of graduate research fellowships and grants from a variety of funding sources and agencies, including many that are relevant for students in STEM fields. It can be downloaded as a sortable Excel spreadsheet here.

Travel Funding - Professional Societies

Many professional societies provide travel support to students and early career professionals to help defer the costs of attending a conference.  For more information about what the professional organizations have to offer, read through the Opportunities through Professional Organizations section under Professional Development. Example current or past opportunities: Advancing the Science of Limnology & Oceanography (ASLO), American Fisheries Society (AFS), American Geophysical Union (AGU), Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation (CERF), Southern Association of Marine Labs (SAML) (SAML also provides support for research).

 last update: 7/16/24 by LCS