Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

Approval for Establishment of Accounts and Use of Technology Resources


This document describes the logical access to Information Technology resources at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) through the establishment of user accounts.


The ultimate authority for granting access and use of Information Technology resources at VIMS rests with the Dean and Director.  This authority is delegated to the Director of ITNS for the practical purpose of day to day operation.

All persons affiliated with VIMS (staff, students, faculty, volunteers, contractors and approved guests) are entitled to a user account and subsequent privileges, such as email, network storage, technical support and software services.  Accounts are created as part of the VIMS Check-in Procedure using the ITNS Account DocuSign form.  Policies and procedures for VIMS check-in are outlined in VIMS Policy and Procedure Document PPD – 1015. 

In general, ITNS will create an account once an individual has:

  1. Provided the check-in with a completed signature from the authorizing individual, typically the Sectional Business Manager.
  2. Upon completion of the ITNS Account form, including signature acknowledging the VIMS Acceptable Use Policy.

The ITNS User Account Form in DocuSign will be provided at check-in with ITNS.

Temporary User Accounts (Contractors and Guests)

From time to time visitors, guests and contractors will need access to Information Technology resources through a VIMS user account.  Such ‘affiliate’ accounts will be created on an as needed basis.  Affiliate accounts require an email by a sponsor at VIMS to the Director of ITNS or a designee documenting the business reason and expiration date of the account, for up to 12 months.

Contractors and guests will have a time limit as it appears on the attached ITNS Account form.

Removal of Accounts

Accounts will be removed when individuals are no longer affiliated with the Institute as a Volunteer, Student, Faculty or Staff member.  Checking out with ITNS by obtaining a signature from the ITNS Director or their designee triggers the account removal process.  Accounts are typically disabled within two weeks of checkout, however may remain active for up to six months.  Departing users may request an extension beyond these normal time limits by acquiring a temporary user account as described above.   Policies and procedures for check-out are outlined in VIMS Policy and Procedure Document PPD – 1016. 

The password file will be reviewed at the end of each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer) to remove user accounts in order to ensure that accounts are limited to those individuals with authorized affiliation with the Institute.