Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

Travel - Pre-approval and Expense Report


The policies of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) concerning travel are those of William & Mary (W&M), the Commonwealth of Virginia, and, in some circumstances, the federal government.  The state and federal regulations as well as some various forms can be found on the Accounting and Purchasing Toolbox of the Administration page of the VIMS website. Specific questions concerning the travel regulations should be directed to the Carol Tomlinson, Director, Financial and Administrative Services, and can also be found on the Chrome River page of the university website.

All VIMS related travel requires a pre-approval.  Routine local travel, even if no reimbursement is sought, should be addressed in a “blanket” pre-approval.  Failure to obtain the pre-approval before embarking on the travel can result in a denial of reimbursement.  An injury that occurs while an individual is on authorized travel likely would be eligible for Workers’ Compensation while an injury that occurs while the individual is on travel that had not been authorized might be denied Workers’ Compensation as there could be the perception that the individual was on an unauthorized absence from work.  Prior authorization of travel also helps assure that there are sufficient funds available for reimbursement.

In order to allow sufficient time for review, pre-approval travel requests should be submitted as far in advance of the proposed dates of travel as possible.  Pre-approvals are prepared via Chrome River by submitting your W&M ID and password.  As travel outside of the United States requires additional authorizations, in some cases by the Agency Head (VIMS’ Dean and Director), it is essential that the pre-approval be submitted well in advance of the proposed dates of travel.

Requests for reimbursement for approved travel should be submitted along with the required documentation as expeditiously as possible upon return.  Reimbursements should also be submitted electronically via Chrome River.