Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

Media Relations


Purpose and Scope

As an integral part of its mission, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) has a continuing responsibility to keep the public informed of its programs, activities, and research. The office of Communications & Marketing is the official VIMS outlet for initiating contact with and providing information such as news releases to representatives of the media.

This policy covers all communication to the media made in an official capacity, including, but not limited to, formal statements, interviews, press conferences and briefings, op-ed pieces, letters to the Editor, news releases, media advisories, technical announcements, and other information or material given to media representatives, a collective term that includes, but is not limited to, reporters, editors, and writers for newspapers, magazines, blogs, and trade publications; radio and television stations or networks and online news services; and any other electronic or print media related to news distribution that could serve as an information outlet. 

Individuals within the VIMS community who are contacted by members of the media are under no obligation to provide information whether on or off the record. Individuals who do choose to communicate with the press should be careful to indicate that the statements given are those of the individual and are not official statements of VIMS or William & Mary (W&M). While it is not the intent of this instruction to limit freedom of speech, persons communicating with the media should be careful not to release information that would impede or harm research, academic activities, or other programs. Findings provided to media representatives should refer to data and information that are peer-reviewed and publicly available. Preliminary data and information concerning on-going studies should be identified as such. Information that is in some way proprietary should not be released except with the explicit approval of the appropriate authorities. Persons communicating with the media should be mindful that their words and actions will be identified with VIMS.

Because accurate tracking of VIMS media exposure is important to effective operation and planning within VIMS’ office of Communications & Marketing, anyone at VIMS who has contact with the media is strongly encouraged to report the contact to Communications & Marketing (email: vimspr@vims.edu) and, if appropriate, to other administrators.


VIMS’ reputation for excellence is based in large part on its neutrality and the unbiased and impartial nature of its information. All VIMS products, materials, and communications with the media must remain neutral and not advocate, persuade, sanction, or prescribe actions. Media issues regarding appropriations, program funding, and pending legislation must be referred to the Dean and Director or Associate Dean of Research and Advisory Services and the Senior Director of Communications & Marketing.

Delegation of Authority

William & Mary’s office of University Communications: Media Relations has primary responsibility for media relations pertaining to university-level issues (see Review and Approval).

Communications & Marketing, VIMS:  Senior Director of Communications & Marketing and the Associate Directory of Communications have responsibility and authority for all media relations directly related to VIMS, including the review and approval of news releases and other material released to the general public through the media or VIMS website, as well as crisis communications. All administrative units under the oversight of VIMS, including the Eastern Shore Laboratory, Kauffman Aquaculture Center, and research centers are responsible for following the review and approval procedures of News & Media Services in accordance with the VIMS Media Relations Policy. W&M’s Office of University Communications has delegated this responsibility to VIMS Communications & Marketing.

Virginia Sea Grant and the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia (CBNERRVA): All federal partners that share the VIMS campus are responsible for following the review and approval procedures of the VIMS Office of Communications & Marketing in accordance with the VIMS Media Relations Policy for activities in which VIMS has provided 50% or more of the funding, manpower, or in-kind support.


Timely, efficient release of breaking news and information during crises, such as natural disasters or personnel tragedies, often requires swift dissemination of information to support public confidence. In these cases, units other than Communications & Marketing may issue a brief statement or media advisory to the media in place of a news release. In such cases, the originating unit acts at its own discretion in approval and release, but must provide Communications & Marketing with copies of any such release of information concurrent with its release to the media.

Review and Approval

University-Level News Releases: University news is defined as information dealing with issues directly related to W&M, the W&M President, and other high-level members of the W&M administration; or involving Presidential policy, pending legislation before the Commonwealth, or controversial issues. The VIMS Senior Director of Communications & Marketing will determine if any university-level approval must be obtained for VIMS releases, and must approve all VIMS-related university-level news releases issued by W&M. The VIMS Senior Director of Communications & Marketing or the Associate Director of Communications will forward all news releases that require W&M approval to the Dean and Director and the appropriate parties at W&M, to include University Communications.

VIMS-Level News Releases: VIMS news is defined as information dealing with issues specific to VIMS, the Eastern Shore Laboratory, and/or the Kauffman Aquaculture Center, or citing the Dean and Director or other high-level VIMS administrators. VIMS Communications & Marketing is responsible for the approval, coordination, and distribution of all VIMS news releases.

Federal-Level News Releases: Federal news is defined as information dealing with issues specific to Virginia Sea Grant, CBNERRVA, NOAA CBO, Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), or any other federal agencies that share the VIMS campus or collaborate in VIMS programs. Public-relations personnel within these agencies are responsible for the approval, coordination, and distribution of all news items that deal primarily with agency actions. For news items that report on collaborative federal-state activities in which VIMS plays a leading role, review and approval authority rests with VIMS Communications & Marketing in accordance with the VIMS Media Relations Policy.

Opinion Pieces ("op eds") and Letters to the Editor: Any opinion letter or letter to the editor, written in an official capacity (that is citing the individual’s affiliation with VIMS), must be sent to VIMS’ Communications & Marketing team for approval before it is submitted to the media outlet. These communication pieces may require further approval by the Dean and Director and/or the Associate Dean of Research and Advisory Services.

News Release Style and Format

All news releases that use the VIMS logo must use the most-recent, official version, which is available from the VIMS website.

All news releases must conclude with the following statement: The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) has a three-part mission of research, education, and advisory service. William & Mary’s Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences at VIMS is the professional graduate school in marine science for William & Mary. Chartered in 1940, VIMS is currently among the largest marine research and education centers in the United States.