Academic Council
The Academic Council (AC), a representative body of the VIMS Faculty, provides for the development, maintenance, and advancement of the academic and degrees programs of the Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences. The AC evaluates academic issues and formulates academic policy recommendations for approval and implementation by the Office for Academic Affairs. Read more about the Academic Council functions, composition and structure in the VIMS/SMS Faculty Bylaws.
Voting Members
Chair: [[latour, Rob Latour]]
Secretary: [[akhardison, Amber Hardison]]
At-Large: [[molly, Molly Mitchell]] & [[scheld, Andrew Scheld]]
Coastal & Ocean Processes: [[akhardison, Amber Hardison]] & [[hein, Christopher Hein]]
Ecosystem Health: [[dsjohnson, David Johnson]] & [[kreece, Kim Reece]]
Natural Resources: [[dichiera, Angelina Dichiera]] & [[sakh, Stacy Krueger-Hadfield]]
Ex Officio and Non-voting Members
Dean/Director: [[aday, Derek Aday]]
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: [[mitras, Siddhartha Mitra]]
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs: [[jmdahnke, Jennifer Dahnke]]
Graduate Student Association: [[wrcalhoun, William Calhoun]] & [[mmontalvo, Miguel Montalvo]]
SMS Graduate Registrar: [[hay, Jen Hay]]
Committees of the Academic Council (intranet only)
Academic Status & Degrees Committee: [[yjzhang, Joseph Zhang]], Chair
Educational Policy Committee: [[jdloftis, Derek Loftis]], Chair
Graduate Admissions Committee: [[jlsmith, Juliette Smith]], Chair
Graduate Program Fellowship Committee: [[cpatrick, Chris Patrick]], Chair
Quantitative Skills Committee: Vacant Chair
Student Research Grants Committee: [[sakh, Stacy Krueger-Hadfield]], Chair
Academic Council (Intranet)
Academic Council committee descriptions and membership, AC minutes, internal working documents, and other relevant documents are available on the VIMS intranet - AC website. To access the intranet, you must be on campus or using VPN. For assistance with setting up VPN access off-campus, please submit an ITNS Service Request. If you find that VPN is not working from off campus, please check with ITNS to ensure that you are using the latest version of the VPN software.
Membership updated by J. Hay on 8/7/2024.