Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.


VIMS is one of the United States’ largest marine research and graduate education institutions. While VIMS has a strong focus on the Chesapeake Bay and coastal waters of Virginia, VIMS research extends throughout the nation and world. With scientific expertise in most sub-disciplines of marine science and projects ranging from molecular to global scales, VIMS is one of the preeminent institutions addressing pressing research needs in marine and coastal science in the 21st century. VIMS research also provides the foundation for the education and advisory missions of the institution.

ORAS provides strategic leadership for enhancing the research capacity at VIMS and ensuring compliance with state and federal guidelines for internally and externally funded research. The Associate Dean of Research and Advisory Service works closely with the Office of Sponsored Programs on the proposal submission process and approves final proposal submissions.

To read more about each faculty and scientific staff member’s research, head to the Directory page. Or, for more in-depth information on the many branches of VIMS research, head to the Centers, Programs & Labs or Sections pages.