Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

Alexander Sabo

Environmental Review and Advisory Specialist

Email: [[v|absabo]]
Phone: (804) 684-7826
Office: Watermen's Hall 248B
Unit: Office of Research and Advisory Services
Interests: Coastal plant ecology, coastal resilience, climate change, nature-based solutions

  • B.S., Environmental Science, Washington College
  • M.S., Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Thesis title: Dune building dynamics impact cross-island connectivity and barrier island characteristics
Research Interests
My research and academic interests are centered around how plants interact with and modify their environment, as well as how these interactions can have large-scale impacts on the entire ecosystem. Working in coastal systems, it is important to consider how plants can be utilized for a variety of ecosystem services. If coastal human communities are able to coexist with natural plant communities, there are numerous ecosystem services that can follow, allowing for enhanced protection from and mitigation of the effects of climate change. Further, I am interested in how plant communities are changing in response to warming temperatures. Virginia is a hotspot for these types of transitions, and as southern species encroach, many ecosystems (including coastal sand dunes and swales) will become substantially modified. Having a strong background in coastal plant ecology, I am able to apply my knowledge to the projects seen by the Office of Research and Advisory Services.