Directory Page Title

Mary Ann Vogelbein

Marine Scientist Senior

Email: [[mav]]
Phone: (757) 509-9422
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 122
Section: Ecosystem Health


B.S. in Biology, St. Mary's Dominican College, New Orleans, LA


Aquatic toxicology / manage Bryd Hall vivarium and wet lab facilities

Selected Publications
  • Van den Hurk, P., M.A. Vogelbein, D.McDonnell, & M.H. Roberts, Jr. 1995. Toxicity remediation of PAH contaminated sediment with Ambersorb resin. Presented (as poster) at the SETAC Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, November 1995.

  • Roberts, M.H., Jr. and M.A. Vogelbein. 1992.  An in-stream impact study/toxicity reduction of chlorine using discharge pipe and receiving water simulation, Final Report to Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission, 26pp.+ Figures.

  • Roberts, M.H., Jr. and M.A. Vogelbein. 1991.  Evaluation of Back Bay sediment toxicity to the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azeteca in a 28-day test.  Final report to U.S. Fish Wildlf. Serv. 16 pp.