Barbara Rutan
Marine Scientist
(804) 684-7234 (lab), 7686 (office)
Chesapeake Bay Hall A243, A244, A246 (Labs) and 233 (Office)
Ecosystem Health
- B.S. in Microbiology with a minor in Spanish, Ohio State University
- M.S. in Microbiology, Colorado State University
The Wargo lab's focus is the study of virus and bacteria that affect trout. We use PCR/qPCR technology to identify the viruses and bacteria. I take care of a wide variety of laboratory tasks as well as assist graduate students as needed.
Master's thesis research
Monoclonal Antibodies to the Glycopeptidolipid Antigens of the Mycobacterium avium Complex.
Selected publications
Van Veld, P. A., B. S. Rutan, C. A. Sullivan, L. D. Johnston, C. D. Rice, D. S. Fisher and L. D. Yonkos. 2005. A universal assay for vitellogenin in fish mucus and plasma. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24(12):3048-3052.
M. Faisal, B. J. Rutan, and S. Sami-Demmerle.Development of Continuous Liver Cell Cultures from the Marine Teleost, Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus, Pisces: Sciaenidae). Aquaculture 132, 1995, p. 59-72.
B. J. Rutan and M. Faisal. Activation of PAH by Fish Leukocytes and Hematopoietic Organs. Chapter 12, Techniques in Fish Immunology, 1994. J.S. Stolen, T.C. Fletcher, A.F. Rowley, D.P. Anderson, S.L. Kaattari, J.T. Zelikoff, and S.A. Smith (eds). SOS Publications, Fair Haven, New Jersey 07704-3303, Vol 3, p. 99-117.
M. Faisal, S.F. Hoegerman, and B.J. Rutan. Chromosome Analysis using Fish Leukocytes and Cultured Cells. Chapter 18, Techniques in Fish Immunology, 1992. J.S. Stolen, T.C. Fletcher, D.P. Anderson, S.L. Kaattari, and A.F. Rowley (eds). SOS Publications, Fair Haven, New Jersey 07704-3303, Vol 2, p. 185-195.
M. Faisal, S. Sami, and B.J. Rutan. Fish Cell Lines of Leukocytic Origin: Maintenance and Characterization. Chapter 5, Techniques in Fish Immunology, 1992. J.S. Stolen, T.C. Fletcher, D.P. Anderson, S.L. Kaattari, and A.F. Rowley (eds). SOS Publications, Fair Haven, New Jersey 07704-3303, Vol 2, p. 35-59.
B. Rivoire, B.J. Ranchoff, D. Chatterjee, H. Gaylord, A.Y. Tsang, A.H.J. Kolk, G.O. Aspinall, and P.J. Brennan. Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies to the Specific Sugar Epitopes of Mycobacterium avium Complex Serovars. Infection and Immunity, Oct. 1989, p. 3147-3158.
Published Abstracts
P.A. van Veld, B.J. Rutan, and M. Faisal. (1993): Benzo(a)pyrene metabolism by leukocytes of the mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). Eastern Regional Symposium on Mechanisms of Immunotoxicology, Virginia Beach, Virginia, September 1993.
Sami S., B.J. Rutan, and M. Faisal. (1992): A new cell line from the splenocytes of spot (Leiostomus xanthurus): Characterization and immune functions. 1992 Meeting of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, Anaheim, California, April 1992, FASEB J. 6:A1836.
Sami S., B.J. Rutan, and M. Faisal (1992): In vitro continuous culture of liver cells from spot (Leiostomus xanthurus). Abstracts of the Fifth International Colloquium on Pathology in Marine Aquaculture (PAMAQ 5), April 1992, Montpellier, France, p. 84.
Faisal M., S. Sami, B.J. Rutan, D.E. Holmes, and S.F. Hoegerman. (1992): Development of a cell line of hepatocytes from Atlantic Menhaden (Brevoorita tyrannus). 1992 Meeting of the World Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture, Arlington, VA (Washington, D.C.), March 1992, In Vitro, Vol. 28, No. 3:T-1038.
Two daughters - CHOCOLATE - Cooking - CHOCOLATE - Handcrafts - CHOCOLATE - Fred the turtle