Cassia Pianca homepage

Cassia Pianca

Environmental Data Center Web Application Developer

Phone: (804) 684-7957
Office: NERRS Water Quality Facility
Unit: Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Website: Cassia'a page

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  • Ph.D., Oceanography, University of Sao Paulo, 2014
  • M.S., Oceanography, University of Sao Paulo, 2009
  • B.S., (Honors), Oceanography, University of Sao Paulo, 2007
Research Interests
Coastal geomorphology; tidal inlets; estuarine processes; sediment transport; remote sensing; climate change and extreme events.
Selected Publications
  • P.L.F. Mazzini and Pianca, C. (2022). Marine Heatwaves in the Chesapeake Bay. Frontiers in Marine Science.
  • R. Chant, D. Ralston, N. Ganju, C. Pianca, A. Simonson and R. Cartwright (2021). Sediment Budget Estimates for a Highly Impacted Embayment with Extensive Wetland Loss. Estuaries and Coasts.
  • Gentemann, C.L., J.P. Scott, P.L.F. Mazzini, C. Pianca, S. Akella, P.J. Minnett, P. Cornillon, B. Fox-Kemper, I. Cetinić, T.M. Chin, J. Gomez-Valdes, J. Vazquez-Cuervo, V. Tsontos, L. Yu, R. Jenkins, S. De Halleux, D. Peacock, N. Cohen. Saildrone: adaptively sampling the marine environment. (2020). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
  • Pianca, C., R. Holman and E. Siegle. Shoreline variability from days to decades: results of long-term video imaging (2015). Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 120, 2159-2178.
  • Pianca, C., R. Holman and E. Siegle. Mobility of meso-scale morphology on a microtidal ebb delta measured using remote sensing (2014). Marine Geology, vol. 357, p. 334—343.
  • Pianca, C., P.L.F. Mazzini, and E. Siegle. Brazilian offshore wave climate based on NWW3 reanalysis (2010). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, vol.58, n.1, pp. 53-70.
  • Mahiques, M.M., Burone, L., Lavenere-Wanderley, A.A.O., Capellari, B., Rogacheski, C.E., Pianca, C., Samaritano, L.A., Cordero, L.M., Cussioli, M.C., Figueira, R.C.L. Anthropogenic influences in a lagoonal environment: A multiproxy approach at the Valo Grande mouth, Cananéia- Iguape system (SE Brazil) (2009). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, v. 57, p. 325-337