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William D. DuPaul

Faculty Emeritus

Retired: 2014
Department: Fisheries Science
Email: [[dupaul]]
Phone: (804) 684-7163
Office: Clayton House 203B

  • B.S., Bridgewater State College
  • M.A., Ph.D., College of William & Mary
Research Interests

Commercial fisheries and aquaculture development are my broad areas of interest. Related research includes fishing gear selectivity and bycatch; management and regulatory strategies for commercial fisheries; as well as seafood production and utilization. Additionally, I am interested in applicable technology and information transfer.

Current Projects
  • Selectivity of sea scallop dredges constructed with 3, 3.25 and 3.50 inch rings.
  • Selectivity of trawl nets in the sea scallop fishery.
  • Rudders, D. and W. DuPaul, 2011. Calibrating Industry Vessels to the NMFS Sea Scallop Time Series. Journal of Shellfish Research, 30(2): p. 550-550.
  • Gedamke, T., et al., 2009. Stock-Recruitment Dynamics and the Maximum Population Growth Rate of the Barndoor Skate on Georges Bank. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 29(2): p. 512-526.
  • Yochum, N. and W.D. Dupaul, 2008. Size-selectivity of the northwest Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) dredge. Journal of Shellfish Research, 27(2): p. 265-271.
  • Oesterling, M.J. and W.D. Dupaul, 2008. Bay scallop culture history in Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research, 27(4): p. 1036-1037.
  • Gedamke, T., et al., 2008. Total mortality rates of the barndoor skate, Dipturus laevis, from the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, United States, 1963-2005. Fisheries Research, 89(1): p. 17-25.
  • Yochum, N. and W.D. DuPaul, 2007. Size-selectivity of the commercial northwest Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) dredge. Journal of Shellfish Research, 26(4): p. 1355-1355.
  • Rudders, B. and W.D. DuPaul, 2007. Industry-based sea scallop dredge surveys in support of rotational area management. Journal of Shellfish Research, 26(4): p. 1337-1338.
  • Gedamke, T., et al., 2007. Using demographic models to determine intrinsic rate of increase and sustainable fishing for elasmobranchs: Pitfalls, advances, and applications. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 27(2): p. 605-618.
  • DuPaul, W.D. and D.B. Rudders, 2007. Scallop dredge selectivity: A review of sequential ring size increases from 1994 to 2003 in the US sea scallop fishery. Journal of Shellfish Research, 26(4): p. 1307-1308.
  • Yochum, N., W.D. DuPaul, and D.B. Rudders, An assessment of sea scallop abundance and distribution in selected areas of Georges Bank and the Mid-Atlantic: Part II, Selectivity of a New Bedford style sea scallop dredge, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2006, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 24.
  • Rudders, D.B., W.D. DuPaul, and N. Yochum, 2006. Rotational area management in the northwest Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery: Are current management strategies flexible enough? 98 Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association, Monterey, CA (USA), 26-30 Mar 2006 Journal of Shellfish Research, 25(2): p. 771.
  • DuPaul, W.D., D.B. Rudders, and N. Yochum, An assessment of sea scallop abundance and distribution in selected areas of Georges Bank and the Mid-Atlantic, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2006, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 24.
  • DuPaul, W.D., D.B. Rudders, and R.J. Smolowitz, 2006. Industry trials of a sea scallop dredge modified to minimize the catch of sea turtles. Journal of Shellfish Research, 25(1): p. 283-283.
  • DuPaul, W.D. and D.B. Rudders, An assessment of sea scallop abundance and distribution in the Elephant Trunk Closed Area: June 2006, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2006, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 13.
  • Gedamke, T., W.D. DuPaul, and J.M. Hoenig, 2005. Index-removal estimates of dredge efficiency for sea scallops on Georges Bank. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 25(3): p. 1122-1129.
  • Gedamke, T., W. DuPaul, and J. Musick. Observations on the life history of the Barndoor skate, Dipturus laevis, on Georges Bank (Western North Atlantic). in Elasmobranch Fisheries Symposium. 2005. Dartmouth, NS (Canada): Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization.
  • Smolowitz, R., et al., Evaluation of Gear Modifications to Reduce the Bycatch of Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in Sea Scallop Dredges, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2004, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 28.
  • Gedamke, T., W.D. DuPaul, and J.M. Hoenig, 2004. A spatially explicit open-ocean DeLury analysis to estimate gear efficiency in the dredge fishery for sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 24(2): p. 335-351.
  • DuPaul, W.D., D.B. Rudders, and R.J. Smolowitz, Final Report: Industry Trials of a Modified Sea Scallop Dredge to Minimize the Catch of Sea Turtles (with Addendum), in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2004, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 35.
  • DuPaul, W.D., D.B. Rudders, and R.J. Smolowitz, Draft Final Report: Industry Trials of a Modified Sea Scallop Dredge to Minimize the Catch of Sea Turtles, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2004, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 14.
  • DuPaul, W.D., D.B. Rudders, and R. Smolowitz, Interim Report: Industry Trials of a Modified Sea Scallop Dredge to Minimize the Catch of Sea Turtles, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2004, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 14.
  • DuPaul, W.D. and D.B. Rudders, A Comparative Evaluation of a 3.5" Ring Dredge Versus 3.0" Ring Sea Scallop Dredge Equipped with Sea Turtle Excluder Chains, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2004, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 4.
  • DuPaul, W.D. and D.B. Rudders, Seasonal, Interannual and Geographic Variations in Sea Scallops Shell Height and Meat Weight, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2004, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 16.
  • DuPaul, W.D. and K.D. Goff, A Comparative Evaluation of a 3.5" Ring Versus 4.0" Ring Sea Scallop Dredge, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2004, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 15.
  • DuPaul, W.D., et al., Managing Virginia's Marine Fisheries, in VIMS Education Series. 2003, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Pt. VA. p. 28.
  • Brust, J.C., W.D. Dupaul, and J.E. Kirkley, 2001. The effects of a regulatory gear restriction on the recruiting year class in the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), fishery. Journal of Shellfish Research, 20(3): p. 1035-1041.
  • Rudders, D.B., W.D. Dupaul, and J.E. Kirkley, 2000. A comparison of size selectivity and relative efficiency of sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791), trawls and dredges. Journal of Shellfish Research, 19(2): p. 757-764.
  • Kirkley, J.E., W.D. DuPaul, and M.J. Oesterling, Regulating the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, fishery in Virginia : biological and economic concerns, in Virginia Sea Grant Marine Resource Advisory, S.C. Waters, Editor. 1995, Virginia Sea Grant's Marine Advisory Program, School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary: Gloucester Point, Va. p. 15.
  • Kirkley, J.E. and W.D. DuPaul, Standardizing fishing effort & individual transferable effort programs in the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, fishery, in Virginia Sea Grant Marine Resource Advisory. 1995, Virginia Sea Grant, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, School of Marine Science, College of William & Mary: Gloucester Point, Va. p. 6.
  • Kirkley, J.E. and W.D. Dupaul, 1994. Technical Efficiency, Biological Considerations, and Management and Regulation of the Sea-Scallop, Placopecten-Magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791) Fishery. Journal of Shellfish Research, 13(2): p. 571-579.
  • Grulich, P.R. and W.D. DuPaul, Feasibility of crab meal processing in the Chesapeake Bay Region: II. An integrated economic analysis for Hampton/Newport News, Virginia, in Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE), Anonymous, Editor. 1984, Virginia Sea Grant College Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary: Gloucester Point.
  • Kvaternik, A.C., W.D. DuPaul, and T.J. Murray, Price flexibility analysis of Virginia hard clams : economic considerations for management of the fishery, in Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE), Anonymous, Editor. 1983, Virginia Sea Grant Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, School of Marine Science, College of William and Mary: Gloucester Point. p. 53.
  • Murray, T.J. and W.D. DuPaul, Feasibility of crab meal processing in the Chesapeake Bay Region, in Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE), Anonymous, Editor. 1981, Virginia Sea Grant Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary: Glouster Point, VA.
  • DuPaul, W.D. and S.H. Baker, The economic impact of the sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus fishery in Virginia, in Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE), Anonymous, Editor. 1979, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point.
  • DuPaul, W.D. and S.H. Baker, The economic impact and status of the offshore fishing industry in Virginia, in Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE), Anonymous, Editor. 1979, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point.
  • Webb, K.L., et al., 1975. Enewetak (Eniwetok) Atoll - Aspects of Nitrogen Cycle on a Coral-Reef. Limnology and Oceanography, 20(2): p. 198-210.
  • Dupaul, W.D. and K.L. Webb, 1974. Salinity-Induced Changes in Alanine and Aspartic Aminotransferase Activity in 3 Marine Bivalve Mollusks (1). Archives Internationales De Physiologie De Biochimie Et De Biophysique, 82(5): p. 817-822.