Living Shoreline Design Guidance

Shoreline Management

The Shoreline Studies Program created a course for contractors and managers that summarized our research on the performance sills around Chesapeake Bay, showed existing sites, and provided the opportunity to work through site-specific design issues.

This information is for guidance only, and should not replace professional judgments made at specific sites by qualified individuals.

Living Shoreline Design Guidelines/Manual - September 2021

Living Shoreline Design Guidelines/Manual - September 2017

Living Shoreline Sea-Level Resiliency Report


Site Evaluation Tool Links:

2021 Living Shoreline Training Course

Site Assessment Worksheet (Fillable PDF)

Site Assessment Tools Training Presentation: Description, location and use of tools to do a site evaluation

 Site Assessment Google Earth Tools


Pre-Workshop Learning


Living Shorelines Design Training (March 31, 2021) - Recording of the Living Shoreline Design class.

Planning and Methods for Shoreline Management in Chesapeake Bay – Introduces shoreline management in Chesapeake Bay and discusses the process used to develop site specific management. Presented to the Virginia Association of Surveyors, February 2021 (50:20)

Shoreline Management and Living Shoreline Resiliency- Discusses the latest research on performance of sills and breakwaters and how to make the system resilient. Presented at a VIMS CCRM online workshop, August 2020 (28:06)

Concept to Construction – Poor sound recording quality, presented at the 2017 Living Shoreline Design Workshop, 2017 (26:51)


General Site Evaluations & Design Guidelines for Non-Structural Practices: Additional site evaluation parameter considerations and non-structural living shoreline options.

Design Elements of Marsh Sills:  Presentation at the 2021 Living Shoreline Design Workshop

What is Success? Presentation at the 2021 Living Shoreline Design Workshop

Living Shoreline Design Exercise: Site evaluation information for Robin Grove Park in Colonial Beach and suggested design.


 Shoreline Change Map Viewer - Map showing the 1937/38, 2009, and 2017 digitized shorelines and calculated rates of change for Virginia's Bay shorelines.

Coastal Gems – Public Lands database 

 Adapt Virginia Website - Shoreline Recommendations and Resiliency information 


2017 Living Shoreline Training Course

     About This Course



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