Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 10am on Thursday, January 22.

Sand Tiger Shark

Carcharias taurus


Sand Tiger Shark
Maximum size

Females up to 9.8 feet (3.0 m) and males up to 8.4 feet (2.6 m)


Worldwide on continental shelves.  In the Western Atlantic, inshore in warm temperate and subtropical waters from the Gulf of Maine to Florida, Northern Gulf of Mexico and around the Bahamas and Bermuda.  Also in Southern Brazil and Argentina.


Feeds on a wide variety of prey including bony fishes, rays, and smaller sharks as well as squid, crabs, and lobsters.

Depth Range

Shallow coastal or coral reef waters down to at least 625 feet (191 m) deep.


Inhabits surf zones, shallow bays, and coral  and rocky reefs where it swims at or near the bottom as well as in the water column and at the surface.

Fishing Interest

Sand tiger sharks are fished across their range, both recreationally and commercially, and the species is now vulnerable to population decline.