Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 10am on Thursday, January 22.

Sharks of Virginia

Learn more about these and other local shark species here.

All shark illustrations © Marc Dando
Sandbar Shark

The most common large shark of the Virginia region. Chesapeake Bay is one of its most important nursery grounds in the western Atlantic.

Smooth Dogfish
Smooth Dogfish

A common to abundant seasonal visitor in summer and fall to lower Chesapeake Bay.

Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

The Atlantic sharpnose is a year-round resident of the South Carolina and Florida coasts, as well as the Gulf of Mexico.

Dusky Shark
Dusky Shark

Heavy fishing pressure on this species has reduced its numbers alarmingly. lt is now only a rare event to see a dusky shark in the Virginia region.

Dusky Shark
Blacktip Shark

Migrates north seasonally as far as Cape Cod and is common year round in the Southeast U.S.

Spinner Shark
Spinner Shark

Known to form schools and often makes vertical spinning leaps through schools of fish and out of the water.

Spinner Shark
Scalloped Hammerhead

These fish arrive in Virginia coastal waters in June, and migrate south along the coast from August to October.

Smooth Hammerhead
Bull Shark

Bull sharks are uncommon in Chesapeake Bay and other Virginia waters.

Smooth Hammerhead
Tiger Shark

Occasional visitors to Virginia waters and are usually found at least 10-20 miles offshore.

Blacknose Shark
Blacknose Shark

Migrates north seasonally as far as Cape Cod and is common year round in the Southeast U.S.

Sand Tiger Shark
Sand Tiger Shark

Large, slow-moving sand tiger sharks are commonly found inshore occupying bottom habitats in Virginia in the summer months.

Great White Shark
Great White Shark

Relatively uncommon shark frequenting cold and warm temperate seas, larger individuals penetrate warmer ocean water.