
Initiative for the Management of Marine Diseases


Our mission is to provide robust science to guide effective management of diseases of aquatic resource species in waters of the Commonwealth and Chesapeake Bay region. Recent disease outbreaks have damaged economically important and ecologically sensitive marine resources in the Commonwealth. Examples include mycobacteriosis in striped bass, dermo and MSX in oysters, and Hematodinium in blue crabs, to name just a few. By leveraging our expertise in shellfish and fish pathology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, genetics and molecular biology, we are able to respond to current disease concerns and react to emerging disease threats.

crab oyster fish

Our activities include:

  • Provision of pathology services  
  • Establishment of surveillance protocols
  • Development and optimization of diagnostic protocols
  • Enhancement of graduate and outreach activities related to Ecosystem Health (including Aquatic Animals).