Biogeochemical Circulation Ocean Modeling
is an interdisciplinary research program that focuses on examining the impact of physical processes on the biology and chemistry of estuaries and coastal oceans. Our research makes considerable use of coupled circulation/biogeochemical/ecosystem models, which are used to identify mechanisms causing the distributions of chemical and biological properties observed through the use of gliders and satellites as well as more traditional in situ platforms. Recent efforts have been devoted to using coupled hydrodynamic-water quality models to examine the anthropogenic impacts of nutrient inputs and climate change to coastal and estuarine systems. Specifically we are using models to isolate the relative impacts of changes in riverine nutrient loading, atmospheric deposition of nutrients, coastal acidification and changing temperature and precipitation patterns. In addition we have a history of leading interdisciplinary model intercomparison projects (MIPS). We are currently involved with comparisons of models estimating productivity in the Arctic from satellite-based ocean color data and shallow water models estimating water clarity and hypoxia in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay.
A wide variety of research projects funded by NSF, NASA, NOAA and EPA are ongoing. We are looking for additional graduate students and post-doctoral associates with strong mathematical/quantitative backgrounds and interdisciplinary interests to assist in these efforts.
For more information, please contact Dr. Marjy Friedrichs or any of the members of the BioCOM lab. Additional information is also available on our publications and presentations pages.