The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

Recreational Fisheries

Stakeholder-driven, cooperative applied recreational fisheries research in Virginia with a particular interest in tagging, angler training and support for the for-hire industry


The Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program (VGFTP) has been a cooperative project of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) since 1995. This research program trains experienced recreational anglers who volunteer their time and effort to tag and release fishes and share these data with fishery managers.


Marine scientists work with academic faculty to conduct technical and cooperative fisheries research in partnership with the recreational angling community.  These projects vary widely and include taking fin clips for genetic studies, sharing logbook data, testing new fish tags, assisting with the design of environmental forecasts for fishing, and developing new technology to improve post-release survivorship of fishes.


Scientists have worked for a number of years to improve the understanding of the fishery management complex by the for-hire fishing industry and, at the same time, improve understanding of the industry by federal, regional, and state resource managers. Educational workshops have been conducted in different formats to best meet the need of our VA charter boat community in partnership with for-hire industry organizations.  The Marine Advisory Program also supports new captains entering the industry through mentorships and business management resources.


Marine advisory scientists provide extension and outreach services for the angling public and learners of all ages.  These outreach activities include public talks for fishing clubs, tagging demonstrations at regional children’s fishing clinics, and large public outreach events like VIMS Marine Science Day.


MAP scientists provide feedback regarding public access for fishing and marine recreation and serve on public access planning committees including Blueways water trails and related ecotourism.