Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

BI Support Centers at VIMS

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Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM)
The Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) develops and supports integrated and adaptive management of coastal zone resources. To fulfill this mission, the Center undertakes research, provides advisory service, and conducts outreach education. Target audiences: state & local governments, resource managers, and citizen scientists.

Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (CBNERR)
Designated in 1991, CBNERR is one of 28 NERR sites established to promote informed management of the Nation’s estuaries and coastal habitats.  The mission of the Reserve is to preserve a network of sites that represent the diversity of coastal ecosystems found within the York River estuary and manage these sites to support local communities through informed management of coastal resources through estuarine research, education, stewardship, and advisory service.  A critical aspect of this mandate is to enhance public awareness and understanding of estuarine areas and provide suitable opportunities for public education and interpretation.  The NERR system is one of only three programs within NOAA in which education is federally mandated. Target audiences: K12 students & teachers, informal educators, families, coastal professionals, decisionmakers, and resource managers.

Communications & Outreach
VIMS Outreach develops, implements, and promotes programs, events, and exhibits to create lasting connections with various public audiences, making VIMS research relevant to more than 13,000 people nationwide each year. Our programs increase public understanding of important marine issues and, over time, build trust in marine scientists and research studies. Target audiences: general public, families, and adults.

Marine Advisory Program
The importance of advisory services at VIMS equals that of research and graduate education. While all VIMS faculty and scientists are from time-to-time involved in providing expert advice to the Commonwealth, the Marine Advisory Program at VIMS is unique in that it is home to scientists whose sole responsibility is for advisory programs on behalf of Commonwealth citizenry, marine industries, and government. The VIMS Marine Advisory Program include education, outreach, and technical assistance in the areas of aquaculture, commercial and sport fishing, marine education, marine business, and seafood technology and safety. Target audiences: K12 teachers, informal educators, graduate students, and the culinary community.