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Coastal Economies: VIMS Journal Articles

The following list is based on a search of VIMS-authored research articles from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science© using the title search term econom* and the keyword search terms boating, dockside, marina, or recreation. The list is updated at least biannually.

  1. Graves, J.E. and A.Z. Horodysky, 2015. Challenges of estimating post-release mortality of istiophorid billfishes caught in the recreational fishery: A review. Fisheries Research, 166: p. 163-168.
  2. Wu, Z.Y., et al., 2014. Recent geomorphic change in LingDing Bay, China, in response to economic and urban growth on the Pearl River Delta, Southern China. Global and Planetary Change, 123: p. 1-12.
  3. Hudson, K. and T.J. Murray, 2012. Economic Contributions of Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture. Journal of Shellfish Research, 31(1): p. 298-299.
  4. Gregalis, K.C., et al., 2012. Evaluating the Performance of Vertical Longlines to Survey Reef Fish Populations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 141(6): p. 1453-1464.
  5. Diaz, R.J. and R. Rosenberg, 2011. Introduction to Environmental and Economic Consequences of Hypoxia. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 27(1): p. 71-82.
  6. Graves, J.E., A.Z. Horodysky, and R.J. Latour, 2009. Use of pop-up satellite archival tag technology to study postrelease survival of and habitat use by estuarine and coastal fishes: an application to striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Fishery Bulletin, 107(3): p. 373-383.
  7. Kerstetter, D.W. and J.E. Graves, 2008. Postrelease Survival of Sailfish Caught by Commercial Pelagic Longline Gear in the Southern Gulf of Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28(5): p. 1578-1586.
  8. Jarvis, J.C. and K.A. Moore, 2008. Influence of environmental factors on Vallisneria americana seed germination. Aquatic Botany, 88(4): p. 283-294.
  9. Hobbs, C.H., C.B. Landry, and J.E. Perry, 2008. Assessing Anthropogenic and Natural Impacts on Ghost Crabs (Ocypode quadrata) at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina. Journal of Coastal Research, 24(6): p. 1450-1458.
  10. Graves, J.E. and A.Z. Horodysky, 2008. Does hook choice matter? Effects of three circle hook models on postrelease survival of white marlin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28(2): p. 471-480.
  11. Congrove, M.S., S.K. Allen, and J. Wesson, 2008. A bio-economic feasibility model for remote setting in Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research, 27(4): p. 998-998.
  12. Chu, F.L.E., E.D. Lund, and J.A. Podbesek, 2008. Effects of triclosan on the oyster parasite, Perkinsus marinus and its host, the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Shellfish Research, 27(4): p. 769-773.[769:Eototo]2.0.Co;2
  13. Murray, T.J., Economic activity associated with the inaugural "Virginia In-Water Boat Expo," September 9-11, 2005, in Virginia Sea Grant Publication. 2006, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 17.
  14. Kerstetter, D.W. and J.E. Graves, 2006. Survival of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) released from commercial pelagic longline gear in the western North Atlantic. Fishery Bulletin, 104(3): p. 434-444.
  15. Kerstetter, D.W. and J.E. Graves, 2006. Effects of circle versus J-style hooks on target and non-target species in a pelagic longline fishery. Fisheries Research, 80(2-3): p. 239-250.
  16. Kirkley, J., The Potential Economic Impacts on Virginia's Economy of the Closure of One Crab Processing Plant, in Virginia Marine Resource Report. 2005, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 4.
  17. Siapno, W.D. and M. Sisson, 2004. Gas hydrates - The commercial fuel source of the 21st century - These hydrates are a path to energy prosperity and western economic independence. Sea Technology, 46(10): p. 39-42.
  18. Walden, J.B., J.E. Kirkley, and A.W. Kitts, 2003. A limited economic assessment of the northeast groundfish fishery buyout program. Land Economics, 79(3): p. 426-439.
  19. MacIntyre, E.A., C.G. Earnhart, and S.L. Kaattari, 2003. Host oyster tissue extracts modulate in vitro protease expression and cellular differentiation in the protozoan parasite, Perkinsus marinus. Parasitology, 126: p. 293-302.
  20. Lipton, D. and R. Hicks, 2003. The cost of stress: Low dissolved oxygen and economic benefits of recreational striped bass (Morone saxatilis) fishing in the Patuxent River. Estuaries, 26(2A): p. 310-315.
  21. Orth, R.J., K.L. Heck, and D.J. Tunbridge, 2002. Predation on seeds of the seagrass Posidonia australis in Western Australia. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 244: p. 81-88.
  22. Kirkley, J., K. McConnell, and W. Ryan, Economic Aspects of allocating striped bass among competing user groups in Virginia, in Virginia Marine Resources Report. 2000, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Pt.,  VA. p. 64.
  23. Kirkley, J., et al., The Economic Value of Saltwater Angling in Virginia, in Virginia Marine Resources Report. 1999, Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 16.
  24. Oesterling, M.J. and C. Adams, Economic and business considerations for small-scale soft crab production, in Virginia Sea Grant Marine Resource Advisory. 1997, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Point, VA. p. 5.
  25. Kirkley, J., Virginia's Net Fisheries: A Preliminary Economic Overview. 1996, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Gloucester Pt., VA. p. 8.
  26. Kirkley, J.E., W.D. DuPaul, and M.J. Oesterling, Regulating the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, fishery in Virginia : biological and economic concerns, in Virginia Sea Grant Marine Resource Advisory, S.C. Waters, Editor. 1995, Virginia Sea Grant's Marine Advisory Program, School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary: Gloucester Point, Va. p. 15.
  27. Thacker, S.G., The economic impact of marine aquaculture on Virginia's Eastern Shore, in Virginia Sea Grant Marine Resource Advisory. 1994, School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary: Gloucester Point. p. 14.
  28. Rhodes, M.W. and H. Kator, 1994. Seasonal Occurrence of Mesophilic Aeromonas Spp as a Function of Biotype and Water-Quality in Temperate Fresh-Water Lakes. Water Research, 28(11): p. 2241-2251.
  29. Kirkley, J.E., 1987. Bridging the Gap between Economic-Theory and Fisheries Management - Can the Mfcma Produce Economically Rational Management - Discussion. Marine Fisheries Review, 49(3): p. 25-28.
  30. Berquist, C.R., et al., Assessment of economic heavy minerals of the Virginia Inner Continental Shelf. 1986, Charlottesville, Va.: Commonwealth of Virginia, Dept. of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Division of Mineral Resources. 15.
  31. Kerns, W.R., R.J. Byrne, and C.H. Hobbs, 1980. An Economic-Analysis Strategy for Management of Shoreline Erosion. Coastal Zone Management Journal, 8(2): p. 165-184.
  32. Newcombe, C.L., 1952. Applications of Ecology and Economics to Fisheries - Reply. Science, 115(2983): p. 252-253.