Y. Joseph Zhang
Professor of Marine Science; CCRM Numerical/Hydrodynamic Modeling Manager
(804) 684-7466
Davis Hall 224
Ecosystem Health
Center for Coastal Resources Management
SCHISM Website:
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. & MSc (Hons.), 1996 & 1993, University of Wollongong, Australia
- BSc, 1991, Beijing University, China
Research Interest
Theoretical and computational geophysical fluid mechanics, nonlinear wave mechanics, complex 3D environmental flows, numerical methods.
Working on seamless cross-scale models based on unstructured grids. An example is SCHISM modeling system (http://ccrm.vims.edu/schismweb/), which has been successfully applied to general circulation (from creek to ocean scales), storm surge/tsunami inundation hazard, sediment transport, biogeochemistry/ecology/water quality, oil spill, and short wave-current interaction.
Selected Publications
- Zhang, Y., Priest, G.R., Allan, J., Stimely, L. (2016) Benchmarking an unstructured-grid model for tsunami current modeling, Pure and Applied Geophysics. 10.1007/s00024-016-1328-6
- Zhang, Y., Ye, F., Stanev, E.V., Grashorn, S. (2016). Seamless cross-scale modeling with SCHISM, Ocean Modelling, 102, 64-81, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.05.002
- Jacob, B., Stanev, E.V., and Zhang, Y. (2016) Local and remote response of the North Sea dynamics to morphodynamic changes in the Wadden Sea, Ocean Dynamics, 66, 671-690.
- Zhang, Y., Stanev, E.V. and Grashorn, S. (2016) Unstructured-grid model for the North Sea and Baltic Sea: validation against observations, Ocean Modelling, 97, 91-108.
- Zhang, Y., Ateljevich, E., Yu, H.S., Wu, C.H., and Yu, J. (2015) A new vertical coordinate system for a 3D unstructured-grid model, Ocean Modelling, 85, 16-31.
- Pein, J.U., Stanev, E.V., and Zhang. Y. (2014) The tidal asymmetries and residual flows in Ems Estuary, Ocean Dynamics, 64, 1719-41.
- Horrillo,H., Grilli, S.T., Nicolsky, D., Roeber, V. and Zhang, Y. (2014) Performance Benchmarking Tsunami Models for NTHMP’s Inundation Mapping Activities, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI 10.1007/s00024-014-0891-y.
- Bertin, X., Li, K., Roland, A., Zhang, Y., Breilh, J.F. and Chaumillon, E. (2014) A modeling-based analysis of the flooding associated with Xynthia, central Bay of Biscay, Ocean Engineering, 94,80-89.
- Wang, H.V. Loftis, J.D., Liu, Z., Forrest, D. and Zhang, Y. (2014) The storm surge and sub-grid inundation modeling in New York City during Hurricane Sandy, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2(1), 226-246.
- Priest, G.R., Zhang, Y., Witter, R.C., Wang, K., Goldfinger, C. and Stimeley, L. (2014) Tsunami impact to Washington and northern Oregon from segment ruptures on the southern Cascadia subduction zone, Natural Hazards, 72(2), 849-870.
- Azevedo, A., Oliveira, A., Fortunato, A.B., Zhang, Y. and Baptista, A.M. (2014) A cross-scale numerical modeling system for management support of oil spill accidents, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 80, 132-147.
- Witter, R.C., Y. Zhang, Wang, K., Priest, G.R., Goldfinger, C., Stimely, L., English, J.T. and Ferro, P.A. (2013) Simulated tsunami inundation for a range of Cascadia megathrust earthquake scenarios at Bandon, Oregon, USA, Geosphere, 9, 1783-1803.
- Roland, A., Zhang, Y., Wang, H.V., Meng, Y., Teng, Y., Maderich, V., Brovchenko, I., Dutour-Sikiric, M. and Zanke, U. (2012) A fully coupled wave-current model on unstructured grids, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean, 117,C00J33,doi:10.1029/2012JC007952.
- Pinto, L., Fortunato, A.B., Zhang, Y., Oliveira, A. and Sancho, F.E.P. (2012) Development and validation of a three-dimensional morphodynamic modelling system, Ocean Modelling, 57-58, 1-14.
- Witter, R.C, Zhang, Y., Wang, K., Goldfinger, C., Priest, G.R., Allan, J.C. (2012) Coseismic slip on the Cascadia megathrust implied by tsunami deposits in an Oregon lake. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117, B10303, doi:10.1029/2012JB009404.
- Witter, R.C., Jaffe, B., Zhang, Y. and Priest, G.R. (2012) Reconstructing hydrodynamic flow parameters of the 1700 tsunami at Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA., Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-011-9912-7.
- Zhang, Y., Witter, R.W. and Priest, G.P. (2011) Tsunami-Tide Interaction in 1964 Prince William Sound Tsunami, Ocean Modelling, 40, 246-259.
- Priest, G.R., Goldfinger, C., Wang, K., Witter, R.C., Zhang, Y., Baptista, A.M. (2010) Confidence levels for tsunami-inundation limits in northern Oregon inferred from a 10,000-year history of great earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone. Natural Hazards, 54(1), 27-73.
- Burla, M., Baptista, A.M. Zhang, Y., and Frolov, S. (2010) Seasonal and inter-annual variability of the Columbia River plume: a perspective enabled by multi-year simulation databases. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C00B16.
- Frolov, S., Baptista, A.M., Zhang, Y. and Seaton, C. (2009) Estimation of Ecologically Significant Circulation Features of the Columbia River Estuary and Plume Using a Reduced-Dimension Kalman Filter. Continental Shelf Research, 29(2), 456-466.
- Rodrigues, M., Oliveira, A., Queiroga, H., Fortunato, A.B., and Zhang, Y. (2009) Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Lower Trophic Levels in the Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), Ecological Modelling, 220(9-10), 1274-1290.
- Rodrigues, M., Oliveira, A., Costa, M., Fortunato, A.B. and Zhang, Y. (2009) Sensitivity analysis of an ecological model applied to the Ria de Aveiro. Journal of Coastal Research, SI56, 448-452.
- Zhang, Y., and Baptista, A.M. (2008) An Efficient and Robust Tsunami Model on Unstructured Grids. Part I: Inundation Benchmarks. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 2229–2248.
- Zhang, Y., and Baptista, A.M. (2008) SELFE: A semi-implicit Eulerian-Lagrangian finite-element model for cross-scale ocean circulation. Ocean Modelling, 21(3-4), 71-96.
- Baptista, A.M., Zhang, Y., Chawla, A., Zulauf, M.A., Seaton, C., Myers, E.P., Kindle, J., Wilkin, M., Burla, M. and Turner, P.J. 2005 A cross-scale model for 3D baroclinic circulation in estuary-plume-shelf systems: II. Application to the Columbia River. Continental Shelf Research, 25, 935-972.
- Zhang, Y., A.M. Baptista and Myers, E.P. 2004 A cross-scale model for 3D baroclinic circulation in estuary-plume-shelf systems: I. Formulation and skill assessment. Continental Shelf Research, 24, 2187-2214.
Invited Presentations
- Zhang, Y. and X. Bertin (2016) Modelling from basin- to community-scales on large unstructured grids, 15th International workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling.
- Zhang, Y. (2015) Recent Development of Unstructured-Grid Models for Oceans, Estuaries and Rivers, Gordon Research Conference, Univ. of New England.
- Zhang, Y., Ateljevich, E., Yu, H.S., Wu, C.H., and Yu, J. (2014) A new vertical coordinate system for a 3D unstructured-grid model, 13th International workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Zhang, Y. 2014 Simulating Cross-scale Processes in North and Baltic Seas, HWK Fellow Lecture, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Germany.
Selected Presentations
- Zhang, Y. 2014 A Flexible Modelling Framework Based on Unstructured Grids, Colloquium at Univ. of Oldenburg, Germany.
- Zhang, Y. 2014 Advanced river modelling, German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Germany.
- Zhang, Y. 2014 Community Modelling with a next-generation unstructured-grid model and Application to Taiwan Marginal Seas, Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Zhang, Y. 2013 Advanced computational methods in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Tsinghua Univ, Beijing, China.
- Zhang, Y. 2012 Open-source Community Modelling on Unstructured Grids: lessons from last decade, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany.
- Zhang, Y. 2012 Open-source Community Modelling on Unstructured Grids: lessons from last decade, University of Hannover, Germany.
- Zhang, Y. 2012 A next-generation 3D unstructured grid model for oceans and estuaries. National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- (Conference co-organizer) Workshop on Tsunami Hydrodynamics in a Large River, Oregon State Univ. Aug. 2011.
- Zhang, Y. 2011 Challenges in 3D cross-scale modeling, SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Long Beach, CA.
- Zhang, Y. 2009 Simulating Nearshore Wave Dynamics Using SELFE, ISEC Workshop on Simulation & Large-Scale Testing of Nearshore Wave Dynamics Oregon State Univ., OR.
- Zhang, Y. and Baptista, A.M. 2006 “Modeling circulation variability in a complex estuary-plume system”, International workshops on coastal observatories, 17-19 October, 2006, Liverpool, UK.