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Gail Scott

Marine Scientist Supervisor

Email: Contact Gail Scott
Phone: (804) 684-7235, 7873
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S210
Section: Ecosystem Health

  • B.S.  Biology, College of William & Mary
  • M.A.  Biology, College of William & Mary

Manager of the Marine Molecular Genetics Laboratory.
My research interests include genetic analysis of aquaculture species and disease organisms. My current projects include development of molecular diagnostics for the detection of harmful algal bloom organisms, investigating the potential human health impact these organisms may have, and looking at correlations between water quality parameters and late summer harmful algal blooms in the lower Chesapeake Bay.

  • Wolny, J.L., Tomlinson, M.C., Uz, S.S., Egerton, T.A., McKay, J.R., Meredith, A., Reece, K.S., Scott, G.P. and R.P. Stumpf (2020) Current and future remote sensing of harmful algal blooms in the Chesapeake Bay to support the shellfish industry. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:337.
  • Harris, C.M., Reece, K.S., Stec, D.F., Scott, G.P., Jones, W.M., Hobbs, P.L.M. and T.M. Harris (2020) The toxin goniodomin, produced by Alexandrium spp., is identical to goniodomin A. Harmful Algae. 92:101707.
  • Reece, K.S., Scott, G.P., Dang, C. and C.F. Dungan (2017) A novel monoclonal Perkinsus chesapeaki in vitro isolate from an Australian cockle, Anadara trapezia. J. Invert. Pathol. 148:86-93.
  • Vandersea, M.W., Kibler, S.R., Van Sant, S.B., Tester, P.A., Eckert, G., Camarata, C., Reece, K.S., Scott, G.P., Place, A., Holderied, K., Hondolero, D. and R.W. Litaker (2017) qPCR assays for Alexandrium fundyense and A. ostenfeldii identified from Alaskan coastal waters and a review of species-specific Alexandrium molecular assays. Phycologia. 56:303-320.
  • Dang, C., Dungan, C.F., Scott, G.P. and K.S. Reece (2015) Perkinsus sp. infections and in vitro isolates from Anadara trapezia (mud arks) of Queensland, Australia. Dis. Aquat. Org. 113:31-58.
  • da Silva, P.M., Scardua, M.P., Vianna, R.T., Mendonça, R.C., Vieira, C.B., Dungan, C.F., Scott, G.P. and K.S. Reece (2014) Two Perkinsus spp. infect Crassostrea gasar oysters from cultured and wild populations of the Rio São Francisco estuary, Sergipe, northeastern Brazil. J. Inv. Parasit. 119:62-71.
  • Lowen, M., Scott, G. and P. Zwollo (2001) Functional analysis of two alternative isoforms of transcription factor Pax-5. J. Biol. Chem. 276(45):42565-74.
  • Anspach, J., Poulsen (Scott), G., Kaattari, I., Pollock, R. and P. Zwollo (2000) Reduction in DNA binding activity of the transcription factor Pax-5a in B lymphocytes of aged mice. J. Immunol. 166:2617-26.
Dr. Kimberly Reece