Ryan Carnegie
(804) 684-7713
Shellfish pathology
Chesapeake Bay Hall N109
Ecosystem Health
Lab website:
Shellfish Pathology Laboratory
Curriculum Vitae:
Carnegie CV
- BA in Biology from Rutgers University
- MA in Marine Science from VIMS
- PhD in Marine Biology from the University of Maine
Research Interests
- Parasitology and invertebrate pathology; evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions; aquaculture health management; shellfish restoration.
Current Projects
- Streamlining biosecurity management in the context of regional molluscan shellfish transfers (with Dave Bushek, Bob Rheault, Lisa Calvo, Marcy Nelson, Debbie Bouchard, funded by the NOAA Sea Grant Aquaculture Research Program)
- Profiling the microbiome composition of hatchery-reared oyster larvae (with BK Song and Stan Allen, funded by Virginia Sea Grant)
- Investigation of potential correlation between oyster health and contamination with human pathogenic vibrios (with Corinne Audemard and Kim Reece, funded by Virginia Sea Grant)
- Evolutionary ecology of parasitic diseases in Crassostrea virginica
- Phylogenetics and phylogeography of marine parasites
Recent Publications
- Carnegie, R.B. 2021. The importance of long-term data collection to understand the historical and evolutionary ecology of marine diseases: the eastern oyster disease system in the USA, as a case study. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 41(5): 211-215.
- Carnegie RB, Ford SE, Crockett RK, Kingsley-Smith PR, Bienlien LM, Safi LSL, Whitefleet-Smith LA, Burreson EM. A rapid phenotype change in the pathogen perkinsus marinus was associated with a historically significant marine disease emergence in the eastern oyster. Sci Rep 2021;11(1).
- Guévélou E, Carnegie RB, Small JM, Hudson K, Reece KS, Rybovich MM. Tracking triploid mortalities of eastern oysters crassostrea virginica in the virginia portion of the chesapeake bay. J Shellfish Res 2019;38(1):101-13.
- Ben-Horin T, Burge CA, Bushek D, Groner ML, Proestou DA, Huey LI, Bidegain G, Carnegie RB. Intensive oyster aquaculture can reduce disease impacts on sympatric wild oysters. Aquac Environ Interact 2018;10:557-67.
Current Students and Staff
- Lúcia Safi, Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Rita Crockett, Marine Scientist Senior
- Laura Whitefleet-Smith, Molecular Diagnostician
- Melanie Kolacy, Histotechnologist
- Anna Poslednik, Ph.D. Student
- Liz Weatherup, M.S. Student