Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

Outstanding Professionals and Professional Faculty Award

The VIMS Outstanding Professionals and Professional Faculty Administrator Award honors a continuing record of excellence, a singular outstanding performance, or both.

The 2013 award goes to Jennifer Stanhope.

Jen received her Master’s from VIMS in 2003—studying groundwater sources of nitrogen to coastal bays—and has been working in Iris Anderson’s Nutrient Cycling lab ever since. Jen plays an integral role in the lab, managing its budget, scheduling fieldwork, analyzing data, writing reports and manuscripts, among many other responsibilities. Her organization and attention to detail are key to the program’s success.VIMS Dean and Director John Wells and Scientist Jennifer Stanhope.

As new techniques evolve, Jen acquires the necessary training and keeps her colleagues up to speed. In a recent project for the Department of Defense, Jen took the lead to test new procedures, perform inter-comparisons with colleagues at UNC, and develop the analyses needed to assess the variability of carbon exchange between estuary and atmosphere. She also dedicates much time, energy, and patience to supporting and training students and interns from across VIMS in field operations and the use of lab instruments.

Jen’s dedication to quality work and collaboration is inspiring. During Iris Anderson’s tenure as graduate dean, Jen kept the group’s research projects—and Iris—going, with frequent updates on lab activities and student progress. Says Iris, “We simply could not have functioned without her and we owe her a great debt of gratitude.”