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Steinberg will travel from “From Plankton to Planet” during Tack Faculty Lecture

MOCNESS Plankton Net
MOCNESS Plankton Net Steinberg's team uses a MOCNESS plankton net (for Multiple Opening and Closing Net Environmental Sampling System) to collect zooplankton from discrete depths. The samples help identify the types of zooplankton in the Amazon plume, estimate their abundance, and quantify their role in carbon export.
Amazon Deployment
Amazon Deployment VIMS professor Deborah Steinberg helps deploy a plankton net in the waters of the Amazon Plume.
In Antarctica
In Antarctica Professor Deborah Steinberg (L) with VIMS graduate student Miram Gleiber near the U.S. Palmer Research Station.
VERTIGO Project Professor Deborah Steinberg with VERTIGO colleagues Stephanie Wilson, Joe Cope, and Toru Kobari in the northeastern Pacific.

Professor Deborah Steinberg will deliver the Tack Faculty Lecture on October 29th at Williamsburg's Kimball Theater.The ocean teems with untold numbers and kinds of tiny animals called zooplankton. They feed the fishes that feed us, graze the microscopic algae that produce most of our oxygen, and might even help reduce global warming by releasing what marine scientists gingerly call “fecal pellets.”

But despite their fundamental importance to ocean food webs and the global carbon cycle, zooplankton in many ways remain a mystery—creatures whose small size, fragile bodies, and oftimes remote habitats make them notoriously difficult to study.

Professor Deborah Steinberg of William & Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science has been studying the mysteries of zooplankton for more than 25 years—since her first research cruise to Antarctica in 1987—and will share her most recent discoveries with audience members during the Fall 2013 Tack Faculty Lecture Series on October 29 at the Kimball Theater in Williamsburg.

Steinberg will bring audience members on a virtual voyage from the coastal zone to the open ocean, using photos and video from research cruises to Chesapeake Bay, the Antarctic Peninsula, the Amazon plume, and the Sargasso Sea to reveal a startling and beautiful world filled with animals stranger than science fiction. Included are floating, shell-free snails; jelly-like creatures bigger than humans; and the young of larger, more familiar animals such as crustaceans, fish, and eels.

She will also bring attendees far beneath the surface, with tales of deep-sea creatures that make their own light, and of zooplankton the size of a rice grain that swim from the deep thousands of feet up to the surface each day for food—a daily migration that rivals the great seasonal movements of caribou.

Steinberg and her graduate students study zooplankton like those shown here.Steinberg will describe how she and her crew collect zooplankton, using everything from mechanical nets to robotic subs—and how undergraduate and graduate researchers from W&M help out in the lab and field. In the tradition of the Tack Faculty Lecture Series, expect audience interaction, including some mysteries of the deep!

Steinberg’s talk is the fourth installment in the Tack Faculty Lecture series. Established through the support of Carl ’78 and Martha Frechette Tack ’78,  the series kicked off in spring 2012. Once a semester, it provides an opportunity for the campus and broader community to attend a lecture by a W&M faculty member on a topic related to his or her research.

No tickets are required for 'From Plankton to Planet' but those planning to attend are asked to register at www.wm.edu/lecture.