VIMS 2018 Journal Articles

An alphabetical list of the 165 journal articles authored or co-authored by researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science during 2018, as compiled by Thomson Reuters' Web of Science©.

  1. Ailloud, L.E., T. Gedamke, and J.M. Hoenig, 2018. Short-Term Pain and Long-Term Gain: Using Phased-In Minimum Size Limits to Rebuild Stocks-the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Example. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 147(6): p. 1015-1029.
  2. Al Mukaimi, M.E., T.M. Dellapenna, and J.R. Williams, 2018. Enhanced land subsidence in Galveston Bay, Texas: Interaction between sediment accumulation rates and relative sea level rise. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 207: p. 183-193.
  3. Al Mukaimi, M.E., et al., 2018. Centennial record of anthropogenic impacts in Galveston Bay: Evidence from trace metals (Hg, Pb, Ni, Zn) and lignin oxidation products. Environmental Pollution, 237: p. 887-899.
  4. Allan, J.C., et al., 2018. Maritime tsunami evacuation guidelines for the Pacific Northwest coast of Oregon. Natural Hazards, 94(1): p. 21-52.
  5. Anger, J., et al., 2018. Differential Protein Expression in Patients with Ucpps: A Mapp Study. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37: p. S529-S529.
  6. Armstrong, C.T., et al., 2018. Impact of nitrogen chemical form on the isotope signature and toxicity of a marine dinoflagellate. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 602: p. 63-76.
  7. Audemard, C., H.I. Kator, and K.S. Reece, 2018. High salinity relay as a post-harvest processing method for reducing Vibrio vulnificus levels in oysters (Crassostrea virginica). International Journal of Food Microbiology, 279: p. 70-79.
  8. Barris, B.N., et al., 2018. Laboratory studies on the effect of temperature on epizootic shell disease in the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Bulletin of Marine Science, 94(3): p. 887-902.
  9. Bausch, A.R., et al., 2018. Influence of bacteria on shell dissolution in dead gastropod larvae and adult Limacina helicina pteropods under ocean acidification conditions. Marine Biology, 165(2).
  10. Bemis, K.E., et al., 2018. Deep-Water Dragonets (Teleostei: Callionymidae: Foetorepus) of the Mid Atlantic Bight: A Little-Known Genus from the Edge of the Continental Shelf. Copeia, 106(1): p. 188-198.
  11. Ben-Horin, T., et al., 2018. Genetic variation in anti-parasite behavior in oysters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 594: p. 107-117.
  12. Billy, J., et al., 2018. Dominance of Inherited Geologic Framework on the Development of Coastal Barrier System. Journal of Coastal Research: p. 406-410.
  13. Billy, J., et al., 2018. Impact of relative sea-level changes since the last deglaciation on the formation of a composite paraglacial barrier. Marine Geology, 400: p. 76-93.
  14. Birchler, J.J., et al., 2018. Numerical Model of Geochronological Tracers for Deposition and Reworking Applied to the Mississippi Subaqueous Delta. Journal of Coastal Research: p. 456-460.
  15. Bird, C.S., et al., 2018. A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(2): p. 299-+.
  16. Borsetti, S., et al., 2018. Spatial variation in life history characteristics of waved whelk (Buccinum undatum L.) on the US Mid-Atlantic continental shelf. Fisheries Research, 198: p. 129-137.
  17. Boulais, M., et al., 2018. Sublethal effects of oil-contaminated sediment to early life stages of the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Environmental Pollution, 243: p. 743-751.
  18. Brault, E.K., et al., 2018. Carbon and nitrogen zooplankton isoscapes in West Antarctica reflect oceanographic transitions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 593: p. 29-45.
  19. Ceballos, D.M., et al., 2018. Occupational exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and other flame retardant foam additives at gymnastics studios: Before, during and after the replacement of pit foam with PBDE-free foams. Environment International, 116: p. 1-9.
  20. Chak, S.T.C., et al., 2018. Effectiveness of the removal of coral-eating predator & IT;Acanthaster planci & IT; in Pulau Tioman Marine Park, Malaysia. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(1): p. 183-189.
  21. Clark, A.S., et al., 2018. Partial validation of a TaqMan real-time quantitative PCR assay for the detection of Panulirus argus virus 1. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 129(3): p. 193-198.
  22. Clavero, M., et al., 2018. Nowhere to swim to: climate change and conservation of the relict Dades trout Salmo multipunctata in the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Oryx, 52(4): p. 627-635.
  23. Da, F., M.A.M. Friedrichs, and P. St-Laurent, 2018. Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Coastal Nitrogen Fluxes on Oxygen Concentrations in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 123(7): p. 5004-5025.
  24. Da Silva, J.P.C.B., D.F.B. Vaz, and M.R. De Carvalho, 2018. Phylogenetic inferences on the systematics of squaliform sharks based on elasmobranch scapular morphology (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 182(3): p. 614-630.
  25. Davenport, T.M., et al., 2018. Living Shorelines Support Nearshore Benthic Communities in Upper and Lower Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts, 41: p. S197-S206.
  26. de Lira, J.J.P.R., et al., 2018. Testing for a whole-organism trade-off between natural and sexual selection: are the male guppies preferred by females more likely to be eaten by predators? Evolutionary Ecology Research, 19(4): p. 441-453.
  27. de Sousa, J.T., et al., 2018. Mitotic instability in triploid and tetraploid one-year-old eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, assessed by cytogenetic and flow cytometry techniques. Genome, 61(2): p. 79-89.
  28. Dinniman, M.S., et al., 2018. Effects of Projected Changes in Wind, Atmospheric Temperature, and Freshwater Inflow on the Ross Sea. Journal of Climate, 31(4): p. 1619-1635.
  29. Dornelas, M., et al., 2018. BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(7): p. 760-786.
  30. Du, J.B., et al., 2018. Role of Baroclinic Processes on Flushing Characteristics in a Highly Stratified Estuarine System, Mobile Bay, Alabama. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 123(7): p. 4518-4537.
  31. Du, J.B., et al., 2018. Worsened physical condition due to climate change contributes to the increasing hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay. Science of the Total Environment, 630: p. 707-717.
  32. Du, J.B., et al., 2018. Tidal Response to Sea-Level Rise in Different Types of Estuaries: The Importance of Length, Bathymetry, and Geometry. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(1): p. 227-235.
  33. Duc, L.V., et al., 2018. High growth potential and nitrogen removal performance of marine anammox bacteria in shrimp-aquaculture sediment. Chemosphere, 196: p. 69-77.
  34. Fabrizio, M.C., et al., 2018. Tidal Habitats Support Large Numbers of Invasive Blue Catfish in a Chesapeake Bay Subestuary. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(3): p. 827-840.
  35. Favata, C.A., et al., 2018. Fish assemblage change following the structural restoration of a degraded stream. River Research and Applications, 34(8): p. 927-936.
  36. Foster, M., et al., 2018. Institutionalizing Resilience in US Universities: Prospects, Opportunities, and Models. Marine Technology Society Journal, 52(2): p. 106-110.
  37. Freitag, A., 2018. Visions of wilderness in the North Bay communities of California. Area, 50(1): p. 101-108.
  38. French, K.L., et al., 2018. Millennial soil retention of terrestrial organic matter deposited in the Bengal Fan. Scientific Reports, 8. ARTN 11997
  39. Gallagher, B.K., P.M. Piccoli, and D.H. Secor, 2018. Ecological carryover effects associated with partial migration in white perch (Morone americana) within the Hudson River Estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 200: p. 277-288. 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.11.011
  40. Gallagher, B.K. and D.H. Secor, 2018. Intensified environmental and density-dependent regulation of white perch recruitment after an ecosystem shift in the Hudson River Estuary. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(1): p. 36-46.
  41. Glaspie, C.N., S.R. Jenkinson, and R.D. Seitz, 2018. Effects of Estuarine Acidification on an Oyster-Associated Community in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37(1): p. 63-72.
  42. Glaspie, C.N. and R.D. Seitz, 2018. Habitat complexity and benthic predator-prey interactions in Chesapeake Bay. Plos One, 13(10). ARTN e0205162
  43. Glaspie, C.N., et al., 2018. Impacts of habitat, predators, recruitment, and disease on soft-shell clams Mya arenaria and stout razor clams Tagelus plebeius in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 603: p. 117-133.
  44. Goldsmith, W.M., A.M. Scheld, and J.E. Graves, 2018. Characterizing the Preferences and Values of US Recreational Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Anglers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 38(3): p. 680-697.
  45. Goldstein, J.S. and J.D. Shields, 2018. Bait-subsidized diets and their effects on ovigerous North American lobsters (Homarus americanus). Aquaculture International, 26(6): p. 1311-1326.
  46. Gong, W.P., et al., 2018. Effect of waves on the dispersal of the Pearl River plume in winter. Journal of Marine Systems, 186: p. 47-67.
  47. Groner, M.L., et al., 2018. Dermal mycobacteriosis and warming sea surface temperatures are associated with elevated mortality of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay. Ecology and Evolution, 8(18): p. 9384-9397.
  48. Groner, M.L., et al., 2018. Rising Temperatures, Molting Phenology, and Epizootic Shell Disease in the American Lobster. American Naturalist, 192(5): p. E163-E177.
  49. Haggblom, M.M., B. Song, and J. Lalucat, 2018. Norberto J. Palleroni (1922-2018) In Memoriam. Environmental Microbiology, 20(10): p. 3459-3461.
  50. Hale, R.C., 2018. Are the Risks from Microplastics Truly Trivial? Environmental Science & Technology, 52(3): p. 931-931.
  51. Hammer, K.J., et al., 2018. High temperatures cause reduced growth, plant death and metabolic changes in eelgrass Zostera marina. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 604: p. 121-132.
  52. Harrison, A.L., et al., 2018. The political biogeography of migratory marine predators. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(10): p. 1571-1578.
  53. Hartzell, S.E., et al., 2018. Effects-based spatial assessment of contaminated estuarine sediments from Bear Creek, Baltimore Harbor, MD, USA (vol 24, pg 22158, 2017). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(16): p. 16266-16266.
  54. Hein, C.J., et al., 2018. Overcoming early career barriers to interdisciplinary climate change research. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate Change, 9(5). ARTN e530
  55. Hennen, D.R., et al., 2018. Biological reference points for Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) in warming seas. Fisheries Research, 207: p. 126-139.
  56. Hernandez, A.B., et al., 2018. Restoring the eastern oyster: how much progress has been made in 53 years? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(8): p. 463-470.
  57. Hilton, E.J. and S. Lavoue, 2018. A review of the systematic biology of fossil and living bony-tongue fishes, Osteoglossomorpha (Actinopterygii: Teleostei). Neotropical Ichthyology, 16(3). Artn 180031
  58. Ho, H.C., et al., 2018. Systematics and biodiversity of eels (orders Anguilliformes and Saccopharyngiformes) of Taiwan (II). Zootaxa, 4454(1): p. 1-Cp6.
  59. Holmquist, J.R., et al., 2018. Accuracy and Precision of Tidal Wetland Soil Carbon Mapping in the Conterminous United States. Scientific Reports, 8. ARTN 9478
  60. Hong, B., J. Shen, and H.Z. Xu, 2018. Upriver transport of dissolved substances in an estuary and sub-estuary system of the lower James River, Chesapeake Bay. Frontiers of Earth Science, 12(3): p. 583-599.
  61. Horton, B.P., et al., 2018. Predicting marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise using Holocene relative sea-level data. Nature Communications, 9. ARTN 2687
  62. Huchin-Mian, J.P., H.J. Small, and J.D. Shields, 2018. The influence of temperature and salinity on mortality of recently recruited blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, naturally infected with Hematodinium perezi (Dinoflagellata). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 152: p. 8-16.
  63. Huynh, Q.C., et al., 2018. Comparative Performance of Three Length-Based Mortality Estimators. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 10(3): p. 298-313.
  64. Irby, I.D., et al., 2018. The competing impacts of climate change and nutrient reductions on dissolved oxygen in Chesapeake Bay. Biogeosciences, 15(9): p. 2649-2668.
  65. Isdell, R.E., D.M. Bilkovic, and C. Hershner, 2018. Shorescape-level factors drive distribution and condition of a salt marsh facilitator (Geukensia demissa). Ecosphere, 9(10). ARTN e02449
  66. Johnson, A.J., et al., 2018. A sediment bioturbator bottleneck to seedling recruitment for the seagrass Posidonia australis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595: p. 89-103.
  67. Johnson, D.S., et al., 2018. Saltmarsh plants, but not fertilizer, facilitate invertebrate recolonization after an oil spill. Ecosphere, 9(1). ARTN e02082
  68. Karp, M.A., R.D. Seitz, and M.C. Fabrizio, 2018. Faunal communities on restored oyster reefs: effects of habitat complexity and environmental conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 590: p. 35-51.
  69. Kaufman, D.E., et al., 2018. Assimilating bio-optical glider data during a phytoplankton bloom in the southern Ross Sea. Biogeosciences, 15(1): p. 73-90.
  70. Knotek, R.J., et al., 2018. The survival of rajids discarded in the New England scallop dredge fisheries. Fisheries Research, 198: p. 50-62.
  71. Kolmann, M.A., et al., 2018. Intraspecific variation in feeding mechanics and bite force in durophagous stingrays. Journal of Zoology, 304(4): p. 225-234.
  72. Kornis, M.S., et al., 2018. Shoreline Hardening Affects Nekton Biomass, Size Structure, and Taxonomic Diversity in Nearshore Waters, with Responses Mediated by Functional Species Groups. Estuaries and Coasts, 41: p. S159-S179.
  73. Langley, J.A., et al., 2018. Ambient changes exceed treatment effects on plant species abundance in global change experiments. Global Change Biology, 24(12): p. 5668-5679.
  74. Lefcheck, J.S., et al., 2018. Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(14): p. 3658-3662.
  75. Li, H.R., et al., 2018. Brominated and organophosphate flame retardants along a sediment transect encompassing the Guiyu, China e-waste recycling zone. Science of the Total Environment, 646: p. 58-67.
  76. Li, X.N., et al., 2018. Wide river or narrow river: Future river training strategy for Lower Yellow River under global change. International Journal of Sediment Research, 33(3): p. 271-284.
  77. Lipcius, R.N. and R.P. Burke, 2018. Successful recruitment, survival and long-term persistence of eastern oyster and hooked mussel on a subtidal, artificial restoration reef system in Chesapeake Bay. Plos One, 13(10). ARTN e0204329
  78. Liu, Q.Q., et al., 2018. Modeling reveals the role of coastal upwelling and hydrologic inputs on biologically distinct water exchanges in a Great Lakes estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 209: p. 41-55.
  79. Liu, Q.Q., et al., 2018. San Francisco Bay nutrients and plankton dynamics as simulated by a coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem model. Continental Shelf Research, 161: p. 29-48.
  80. Liu, Z., et al., 2018. Impact of small-scale structures on estuarine circulation. Ocean Dynamics, 68(4-5): p. 509-533.
  81. Loftis, J.D., et al., 2018. StormSense: A New Integrated Network of IoT Water Level Sensors in the Smart Cities of Hampton Roads, VA. Marine Technology Society Journal, 52(2): p. 56-67.
  82. Loftis, J.D., et al., 2018. Integrated Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Observations for Resilience Planning in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Marine Technology Society Journal, 52(2): p. 68-83.
  83. Lohan, K.M.P., et al., 2018. Phylogeography and connectivity of molluscan parasites: Perkinsus spp. in Panama and beyond. International Journal for Parasitology, 48(2): p. 135-144.
  84. Luellen, D.R., et al., 2018. Assessment of legacy and emerging contaminants in an introduced catfish and implications for the fishery. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(28): p. 28355-28366.
  85. Lunstrum, A., K. McGlathery, and A. Smyth, 2018. Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Aquaculture Shifts Sediment Nitrogen Processes toward Mineralization over Denitrification. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(4): p. 1130-1146.
  86. Lutz, R.A., et al., 2018. Scanning Electron Microscopic Aids for Identification of Larval and Post-Larval Bivalves. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37(2): p. 247-448.
  87. Lynch, P.D., et al., 2018. Abundance trends of highly migratory species in the Atlantic Ocean: accounting for water temperature profiles. Ices Journal of Marine Science, 75(4): p. 1427-1438.
  88. Machado, A.M., et al., 2018. De novo assembly of the kidney and spleen transcriptomes of the cosmopolitan blue shark, Prionace glauca. Marine Genomics, 37: p. 50-53.
  89. Mamoozadeh, N.R., et al., 2018. Genetic evaluation of population structure in white marlin (Kajikia albida): the importance of statistical power. Ices Journal of Marine Science, 75(2): p. 892-902.
  90. Manninen, L., 2018. Heritage Foods USA ( Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 19(1): p. 3-8.
  91. Margolin, A.R., et al., 2018. Black Sea dissolved organic matter dynamics: Insights from optical analyses. Limnology and Oceanography, 63(3): p. 1425-1443.
  92. Markham, E., et al., 2018. Time Trends of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Antarctic Biota. Acs Omega, 3(6): p. 6595-6604.
  93. McDowell, J.R. and H.L. Brightman, 2018. High level of genetic connectivity in a deep-water reef fish, Caulolatilus microps. Journal of Fish Biology, 93(5): p. 766-777.
  94. McGarvey, D.J. and A.J. Kirk, 2018. Seasonal comparison of community-level size-spectra in southern coalfield streams of West Virginia (USA). Hydrobiologia, 809(1): p. 65-77.
  95. Moomaw, W.R., et al., 2018. Wetlands In a Changing Climate: Science, Policy and Management. Wetlands, 38(2): p. 183-205.
  96. Moriarty, J.M., et al., 2018. Impact of Seabed Resuspension on Oxygen and Nitrogen Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Numerical Modeling Study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 123(10): p. 7237-7263.
  97. Morley, J.W., et al., 2018. Projecting shifts in thermal habitat for 686 species on the North American continental shelf. Plos One, 13(5). ARTN e0196127
  98. Murphy, A.E., et al., 2018. Variation in benthic metabolism and nitrogen cycling across clam aquaculture sites. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127: p. 524-535.
  99. Nacci, D., et al., 2018. Bioaccumulation and effects of dietary exposure to the alternative flame retardant, bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), in the Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37(9): p. 2350-2360.
  100. Nichols, J.T., D.G. Smith, and E.J. Hilton, 2018. What Is a Naturalist, Anyway? Copeia, 106(1): p. 199-202.
  101. O'Connor, A.E., et al., 2018. Seasonality of major redox constituents in a shallow subterranean estuary. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 224: p. 344-361. 10.1016/j.gca.2017.10.013
  102. Ochs, A.T., et al., 2018. Development of rapid diagnostic techniques for idiopathic blindness in the American lobster, Homarus americanus, from eastern Long Island Sound. Bulletin of Marine Science, 94(3): p. 945-957. 10.5343/bms.2017.1133
  103. Ogburn, M.B., et al., 2018. Migratory connectivity and philopatry of cownose rays Rhinoptera bonasus along the Atlantic coast, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 602: p. 197-211.
  104. Pace, S.M., E.N. Powell, and R. Mann, 2018. Two-hundred year record of increasing growth rates for ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) from the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 503: p. 8-22. 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.01.010
  105. Papastamatiou, Y.P., et al., 2018. Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities. Oikos, 127(6): p. 767-779. 10.1111/oik.04289
  106. Papastamatiou, Y.P., et al., 2018. Activity seascapes highlight central place foraging strategies in marine predators that never stop swimming. Movement Ecology, 6. ARTN 9 10.1186/s40462-018-0127-3
  107. Parsons, K.T., et al., 2018. Age and growth assessment of western North Atlantic spiny butterfly ray Gymnura altavela (L. 1758) using computed tomography of vertebral centra. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 101(1): p. 137-151. 10.1007/s10641-017-0687-x
  108. Patrick, C.J., et al., 2018. Land Use and Salinity Drive Changes in SAV Abundance and Community Composition. Estuaries and Coasts, 41: p. S85-S100. 10.1007/s12237-017-0250-1
  109. Pendleton, L.H., et al., 2018. Debating the effectiveness of marine protected areas Introduction. Ices Journal of Marine Science, 75(3): p. 1156-1159. 10.1093/icesjms/fsx154
  110. Phan-Tan, L., et al., 2018. A new dinoflagellate species, Protoperidinium smithii H. Doan-Nhu, L. Phan-Tan et L. Nguyen-Ngoc sp nov., and an emended description of Protoperidinium defectum (Balech 1965) Balech 1974 from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 41(5): p. 983-992. 10.1007/s00300-018-2262-0
  111. Priest, G.R., et al., 2018. New constraints on coseismic slip during southern Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes over the past 4600 years implied by tsunami deposits and marine turbidites (vol 88, pg 285, 2018). Natural Hazards, 93(2): p. 1109-1111. 10.1007/s11069-018-3405-x
  112. Prosser, D.J., et al., 2018. Impacts of Coastal Land Use and Shoreline Armoring on Estuarine Ecosystems: an Introduction to a Special Issue. Estuaries and Coasts, 41: p. S2-S18. 10.1007/s12237-017-0331-1
  113. Raff, J.L., et al., 2018. Insights into barrier-island stability derived from transgressive/regressive state changes of Parramore Island, Virginia. Marine Geology, 403: p. 1-19. 10.1016/j.margeo.2018.04.007
  114. Raposa, K.B., et al., 2018. Evaluating Tidal Wetland Restoration Performance Using National Estuarine Research Reserve System Reference Sites and the Restoration Performance Index (RPI). Estuaries and Coasts, 41(1): p. 36-51. 10.1007/s12237-017-0220-7
  115. Rattner, B.A., et al., 2018. Examination of contaminant exposure and reproduction of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting in Delaware Bay and River in 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 639: p. 596-607. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.068
  116. Reardon, K.M., et al., 2018. Increasing prevalence of epizootic shell disease in American lobster from the nearshore Gulf of Maine. Bulletin of Marine Science, 94(3): p. 903-921. 10.5343/bms.2017.1144
  117. Reynolds, P.L., et al., 2018. Latitude, temperature, and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass beds across the Northern Hemisphere. Ecology, 99(1): p. 29-35. 10.1002/ecy.2064
  118. Richardson, J.P., J.S. Lefcheck, and R.J. Orth, 2018. Warming temperatures alter the relative abundance and distribution of two co-occurring foundational seagrasses in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 599: p. 65-74. 10.3354/meps12620
  119. Rietl, A.J., M.G. Sorrentino, and B.J. Roberts, 2018. Spatial distribution and morphological responses to predation in the salt marsh periwinkle. Ecosphere, 9(6). ARTN e02316 10.1002/ecs2.2316
  120. Ruesink, J.L., et al., 2018. Form-function relationships in a marine foundation species depend on scale: a shoot to global perspective from a distributed ecological experiment. Oikos, 127(3): p. 364-374. 10.1111/oik.04270
  121. Santos, B.S., et al., 2018. Likely locations of sea turtle stranding mortality using experimentally-calibrated, time and space-specific drift models. Biological Conservation, 226: p. 127-143. 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.06.029
  122. Santos, B.S., et al., 2018. Consequences of drift and carcass decomposition for estimating sea turtle mortality hotspots. Ecological Indicators, 84: p. 319-336. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.064
  123. Scheld, A.M. and J. Walden, 2018. An Analysis of Fishing Selectivity for Northeast US Multispecies Bottom Trawlers. Marine Resource Economics, 33(4): p. 331-350. 10.1086/699712
  124. Scherrer, S.R., et al., 2018. Depth- and range-dependent variation in the performance of aquatic telemetry systems: understanding and predicting the susceptibility of acoustic tag-receiver pairs to close proximity detection interference. Peerj, 6. ARTN e4249 10.7717/peerj.4249
  125. Schieder, N.W., D.C. Walters, and M.L. Kirwan, 2018. Massive Upland to Wetland Conversion Compensated for Historical Marsh Loss in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Estuaries and Coasts, 41(4): p. 940-951. 10.1007/s12237-017-0336-9
  126. Schuerch, M., et al., 2018. Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea-level rise. Nature, 561(7722): p. 231-+. 10.1038/s41586-018-0476-5
  127. Schulte, D.M., R.N. Lipcius, and R.P. Burke, 2018. Gear and survey efficiency of patent tongs for oyster populations on restoration reefs. Plos One, 13(5). ARTN e0196725 10.1371/journal.pone.0196725
  128. Seelen, E.A., G.M. Massey, and R.P. Mason, 2018. Role of Sediment Resuspension on Estuarine Suspended Particulate Mercury Dynamics. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(14): p. 7736-7744. 10.1021/acs.est.8b01920
  129. Seitz, R.D., et al., 2018. Human Influence at the Coast: Upland and Shoreline Stressors Affect Coastal Macrofauna and Are Mediated by Salinity. Estuaries and Coasts, 41: p. S114-S130. 10.1007/s12237-017-0347-6
  130. Semedo, M., et al., 2018. Antibiotic Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Denitrification and N2O Production in Grassland Soils. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9. ARTN 2121 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02121
  131. Seyler, L.M., et al., 2018. Discerning autotrophy, mixotrophy and heterotrophy in marine TACK archaea from the North Atlantic. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 94(3). ARTN fiy014 10.1093/femsec/fiy014
  132. Sharifi, A., et al., 2018. Early-Holocene greening of the Afro-Asian dust belt changed sources of mineral dust in West Asia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 481: p. 30-40. 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.10.001
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