The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

VIMS Campus Wireless

Below is a description of the WiFi networks on the VIMS campuses and how to use them:



Vims_guest is an unencrypted WiFi signal open to all visitors.   Agree to terms of use and register by providing information about your visit to VIMS. 


This is the secure, encrypted campuswide VIMS network.  The Eduroam network is also federated with other universities to use your VIMS userID and password while on travel.  Likewise, visitors to VIMS can login using credentials from their home institution.   It uses an encrypted WiFi signal.    Some examples of nearby eduroam schools are Va Tech, UVa, VCU, ODU and GMU.   To logon to eduroam worldwide, use your VIMS email address ‘’ as your login ID. 

Eduroam will only work correctly if you set this up BEFORE travelling off the VIMS campus to other sites. 

W&M added Eduroam in 2019.  Since you can use your VIMS Eduroam setup when visiting the Main Campus, there is no longer the need for VIMS Faculty/Staff/Students to register devices at W&M for WiFi.


Following are some specific instructions by OS and device type:

Android phones - Android phones require an advanced setting to join eduroam.   Click Here for step-by-step instructions.

Macintosh OSX - In System Preferences/Network choose Automatic for the location, then join one of the VIMS WiFi networks.

As always, if you need further help contact one of us in ITNS.