Research published in Nature Communications by Ph.D. student Mary Bryan Barksdale shows coastal landscapes are at risk of a diminished, fleeting blue carbon stock.
Marine Science Day 2024 drew 2,000+ with educational exhibits and hands-on activities for all ages.
A new report by VIMS emphasizes a collaborative approach to mitigating sudden oyster mortality syndrome.
Lifetimes dedicated to environmental science inspired Fu-Lin Chu Ph.D. '82, P '97, P '12 and William Chu P '97, P '12 to create a fellowship for graduate students in the School of Marine Science.
Native Hawaiian navigator Nainoa Thompson, president of the Polynesian Voyaging Society and VIMS' first Scholar in Ocean Residency, inspires and educates us all to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world with a melding of science and indigenous wisdom.
Dr. Molly Mitchell, Research Assistant Professor at VIMS, and Joe Rieger, Deputy Director of Restoration at the Elizabeth River Project, discuss the Elizabeth River Environmental Justice Tool. This tool, developed through collaboration between ERP and VIMS, allows planners to deliberately focus on equity for historically marginalized communities within the Elizabeth River watershed.
Join Dr. Nicole Millette, assistant professor at VIMS, as she discusses how phytoplankton, or microscopic plants, and other environmental conditions impact the number of striped bass in the upper Chesapeake Bay each year.
Join Dr. Richard Snyder, director of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science's Eastern Shore Laboratory, as he explores the biology and ecology of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians, the history of its fishery and aquaculture, and current work with the species.