The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

Temporary Growing Materials

Fiber Logs - Matting Installed
Fiber Log Project - Before Fiber logs and blankets placed at the toe of a graded bank can provide temporary erosion and sediment control. P Menichino
Fiber Logs - JJC Planted Marsh
Fiber Log Project - After Here is the same planted marsh area after the first growing season. P Menichino
Fiber Log - Raised Elevation
Raised Elevation If the intertidal elevation needs to be raised, fiber logs can be used to contain sand fill until planted marsh vegetation is established. P Menichino
Fiber Logs - Aggressively Staked
Installation Fiber logs and mats need to be anchored or aggressively staked to maintain full ground contact. P Menichino
Fiber Logs - Undercut Tree
Undercut Trees Using fiber logs to reduce undercutting erosion may not be effective if bank and wetland vegetation growth is not enhanced by the logs. P Menichino
Fiber Logs - Success
Successful Project The use of temporary growing materials is successful when the planted tidal marsh persists after bio-degradation of the materials P Menichino

Temporary growing materials are manufactured products and geotextiles that provide temporary stabilization at upland and wetland planting areas.  These products come in different grades, lengths and diameters to suit a variety of site conditions.  The preferred materials used for this purpose are biodegradable and non-plastic so they decay within 3-5 years in tidal settings.

Key Factor: will the planted tidal marsh area persist after the temporary growing materials disappear?  If sand fill or plants will eventually be washed out by waves or tidal currents, then another type of permanent containment structure may be needed (see marsh sills).

Suitable Sites
  • Marsh restoration areas and planted marshes on tidal coves, very shallow tidal creeks, lakes, ponds
  • Tree removal areas
  • Graded or terraced banks under landscape restoration
  • Elevations higher than mid-tide level
  • Minimal wave and boat wake action, not designed to reduce wave energy
Guidelines for Temporary Growing Materials
  • Designed to support plant growth, should be used in combination with vegetation management, planted marsh, and/or bank grading and landscape restoration
  • Most effective above mid-tide level, away from regular wave action
  • Maintain full contact with ground along entire length
  • Must be aggressively staked into place along both sides, hardwood stakes only
  • Not always necessary to plant into logs, surrounding vegetation will readily grow into them
  • Frequent inspections and re-staking are essential
  • Causes for failure include excessive wave action, frequent tidal inundation, inadequate monitoring and staking, and absence of vegetation as primary stabilization technique