Contact Us for...

Assistance with the permit process:

Virginia Shorezone Jurisdictions - Click to enlarge

Project advice from an environmental perspective:

The Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) offers technical guidance on coastal issues including shorelines, tidal and non-tidal wetlands, marine debris and integrated coastal management. Living shorelines are a focus for our technical assistance including opportunities for on-site advice.  Have a question? Our point of contact is [[v|christine,Christine Tombleson]] / 804-684-7912.

VIMS serves as the Commonwealth's center of expertise in the marine environment, bringing together governmental, economic, regulatory, and scientific communities. VIMS Office of Research and Advisory Services (ORAS)

Shoreline Erosion Advisory Service  (SEAS) – Part of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation offers erosion advice for tidal and non-tidal shorelines in Virginia.


Shoreline Management Handbook:

For questions or comments about shoreline handbook pages, contact [[v|mason,Pam Mason]], CCRM.