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Dan Schatt

GIS Programmer Analyst

Email: [[dschatt]]
Phone: (804) 684-7536
Office: Davis Hall 205
Section: Ecosystem Health
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Program: Geospatial Modeling

  • B.S.E., University of Michigan
  • M.S.E., University of Michigan
  • M.S., University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests

Research interests include creating web-based GIS applications, and developing customized ArcGIS applications in support of wetland advisory services and watershed management applications. I have also been involved in ground-truthing and applied remote sensing analysis for detecting land cover change in Virginia's coastal plain. Recently I have been involved in detailed hydrologic analysis and
watershed delineation using 3D visualization and hydrologic GIS tools and methods.  My latest projects are focused on determining areas vulnerable to flooding from rainfall events, and on projecting sea level rise in the coastal zone due to climate change.

Current Projects
  • Development of a wetland permit report generator within ArcGIS with links to an external permit database.       
  • Development of web-based GIS applications in the coastal plain using ArcGIS Server software.       
  • Analysis of hydrology around wetlands and the associated landuse patterns in an effort to assess the habitat suitability and water quality of the wetlands.
  • Using 3D terrain data and hydrologic analysis to determine areas vulnerable to flooding from rainfall events.
  • Using sea level rise projections due to climate change, as well as storm surge, to calculate inundation areas in Virginia’s coastal zone in future storm events.
Selected Publications

Berman, M.R., Dewing, S., Schatt, D., Berquist, H., and C.H. Hershner, 1999. Shoreline Situation Report - James City County, 1999, Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program, Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering No. 353 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia.        

Berman, M.R., Dewing, S., Schatt, D., Berquist, H., and C.H. Hershner, 1999. Shoreline Situation Report - York County, 1999, Comprehensive Coastal Inventory Program, Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering No. 352 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia.