Perennial Steam ID
Out in the field for a CTP Perennial Stream Identification course, September 2019.
C. Gonzalez, CBNERR
Wetland Delineation
Out in the field for a CTP Wetland Delineation course, June 2019.
C. Gonzalez, CBNERR
Perennial Streams ID
In the lab as part of a CTP Perennial Streams course, October 2019.
C. Gonzalez, CBNERR
Social Science Basics
Learning Social Science Basics in a workshop with NOAA, December 2019.
C. Gonzalez, CBNERR
Watershed Work
Mapping mental models with the York River and Small Coastal Basin Roundtable, December 2019.
C. Gonzalez, CBNERR
AWRA Savage Neck Dunes Field Trip
Field trip participants travel to Savage Neck Dunes on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Sandra Erdle
SFPM Training onboard the Pelican
Attendees of the State Floodplain Manager's Meeting receive background information onboard the RV Pelican.
Sandra Erdle
SFPM Field Trip
John Brubaker and Todd Nelson, VIMS, show the group equipment during a State Flood Plain Manager's field trip.
Sandra Erdle
Through capacity building, technical assistance and community engagement, CBNERR-VA’s Coastal Training Program (CTP) works with coastal decision makers to foster science-based and community-supported resource management and socio-ecological system resilience. To address critical coastal issues and make training opportunities available, CBNERR-VA identifies and collaborates with local partners and effectively applies its own quality, unbiased and place-based research. For more details on the Coastal Training Program, click here.